[b]she continues hitting the targets with far more precision and efficiency then Reaper[/b]
[b]As you fire another shot the bullet glows black and it ricochets off of the target and it hits your visor, cracking it. Reaper chuckles and looks at you. [/b] "Oops."
[b]the bullet bounces off of her over shields. she sighs and shoots you in the leg[/b]
[b]The bullet passes through him.[/b] "What? It's a joke. Cramping your style Cupcake?"
[b]she holsters her pistols and walks away[/b]
[b]He follows her.[/b] "Oh I'm sorry. Am I getting on your nerves?"
[b]she remains silent[/b]
[b]He tilts his head.[/b] "Strong silent type eh? Hmph. Why is that so common with you Spartans?"
[b]she continues walking[/b]