I want some feedback, guardians! I really wanna hear some opinions!
[b]Since most people seem to be unsure of what a Wyrm actually looks like, here are a few images to back it up.[/b]
[url= http://pre11.deviantart.net/8059/th/pre/i/2010/014/d/9/wyrm_by_cr1mson_death.jpg][/url]
[b]As you can see most wyrms across many different cultures are depicted as SNAKE LIKE or even "WORM" LIKE. This can be used as a clear indication of the description that the Worm gives to the sisters.[/b]
[b]Because [i]Archangelion1[/i] said it best here's what I've been trying to make connections to today. This is why I believe that the worms and Ahamkara are at least [i]related[/i][/b]
[u]Click spoiler to see.[/u]
[spoiler][i][u]Excerpt from Calcified Fragment V: Needle and Worm[/u]
The worm —
Carved in my code by Sathona —
Who should be afraid —
1. It was my father’s familiar. I ripped it from him as we fled. It is a dead white thing, segmented, washed up from the deep sea.
2. It’s dead, but it still speaks to me. It says: listen closely, [b]oh vengeance mine...[/b]
[u]Excerpt from Skull of Dire Ahamkara[/u]
Reality is the finest flesh, [b]oh bearer mine.[/b] And are you not…hungry?
[u]Excerpt from Claws of Ahamkara[/u]
Look at all this life, [b]oh bearer mine.[/b] There is so much left to burn...
[u]Excerpt from Sealed Ahamkara Grasps[/u]
Plating the Ahamkara bones in silver helps to quiet the auditory hallucinations...[b]oh bearer mine.[/b]
[u]Excerpt from Young Ahamkara's Spine[/u]
Give me your arm, [b]oh bearer mine.[/b] Let me help you fill the world with teeth.
Don't tell me you don't see the connection.[/i][/spoiler]
Posting a link to another thread here that makes good point because some people are just plain stupid.
What mission did they explain this in? I might have skipped it by accident or something