Doubles was available after reset then was later removed after the update/Iron Banner.
When are we going to see Doubles again? Many of us are waiting for it to be in rotation and its been about a month...
Plenty of people enjoy playing 2v2 so I dont see why we cant have a permanent Doubles playlist. We got one for Elimination which was great so hopefully we can get one for doubles.
Yeah, I'm quite annoyed that it was removed prematurely as I randomly noticed that Doubles was brought back into rotation this week & I was going to finally "start" working on the grimoire score for it only to notice that it was removed the 2nd day after reset. Seems Bungie can't fix one problem without messing something else up. I'm also fed up with rotating playlist. I should be allowed to play a playlist & work on a grimoire score whenever I friggin want to not solely whenever Bungie randomly allows me to do so. I'd happily rather wait extra minutes searching for guardians to play against in a playlist instead of waiting hundreds of hours, (extra weeks), to play a playlist. Not caring much for PVP, I seem to always miss the double playlist whenever it it randomly pops up and the "one" time I actually do notice & get ready to play it, it gets taken away from 3 days early/before reset due to a BS reason. This is so frustrating! At the very least Bungie should have a clear & transparent date allowing gamers to know know exactly when to come back / expect a rotating playlist to return. ...sigh, I'm just typing angry as it feels like I just sat down starving & ready to eat my steak & potatoes in front of me, only to have it taken away from me right in front of me. I litterally selected the crucible section with the sole intention of going into the doubles playlist only to see that it wasn't there, when it clearly should have been. ... #I<3Bungie -_-