Previously, the XP from completing daily bounties went towards completing the Deathless bounty. This was a nice bonus XP and rep and encouraged players to complete bounties. This was a similar bounty to the now defunct Eris bounty where you had to complete 5 other bounties in a single day.
I'm not sure when the Deathless bounty got broken - it was either with 2.0.2 or (sorry, I don't remember when Deathless was available prior to this) - but now it is.
This bounty is no longer worth doing, and most likely, no one will bother doing it. Completing the Daily Heroic only gets you 2500xp now (instead of the 7500xp prior to TTK) and you can only do this once per account per day (instead of once per character per day prior to TTK).
Completing strikes gives you 1500xp.
Amount of time it will take to get 10,000xp for a measly 2500xp and 50 rep reward is not worth it.
Bungie, please fix this bounty to what it was before.
They put it back to the way it was before TTK. Knock out some patrol missions, you'll be done before you know it.