Hello there, fellow guardians! ^.^)/
Thank you to all those who have applied to the All Monsters Are Human Clan! We have 25 clan members, it will remain small.
Bah-bye for now! <3
[spoiler]Clan openings may happen at the beginning of each month since I kick non-active players.[/spoiler]
I'll join psn p1rat3_0f_d3ath
I would like to join, PSN is dwtcolt
I Would like to join "AlshamsiCode"
Hi. I'm always looking for people to play with. Xbox One Gt freaken Rican20
I'd love to join ^-^ I'm on XBOne though ;-;
This sounds like fun, I'd like to join, I'm obsessed with destiny & AHS lol, on Xbox one though?!
You got people who play between 10 pm and 3 am Gmt?
I'm looking for destiny friends ! <3 I'm ps4 this clan sounds cool :). I'm light 291-293 hunter
Psn... Taaliaan warlock 305
psn is B1GN1CK1891. im at 297 light and i have no one to do raids with to go higher. i play by myself a good portion of the time.
Sounds pretty cool to me. Totally share the motto aHaM! I have applied and look forward to meet out there.
What's your main base? US, europe, UK??
Looking to join a team doing hard oryx. I'm a light level 316 warlock with experience. Message me at based messiah69 so I can join. Console Xbox 360.
I'd like to join. I'm on PS4. I am really shy but still
Sounds like a good time:) add me ps4: Back_In_Black89
I would like to join add me h-alowais88
This seems like a clan I can raid and play with. :) can I join? My name is darkneko1991
Edited by SirPrevosT187: 11/21/2015 3:30:38 PMI'm looking to join a clan. I'm an old dude that enjoys the hell out this game.
Looking for a clan on ps4. All characters are 316
Hey there, what's the clans 'TAG'? :)
I'd love to join, I feel stuck in the game and if I just had a fire team to do some raids and house of judgements I feel like I could move on
How many people in the clan?. Sounds cool.
F is for friends that do stuff together. U is for you and me. N is for anywhere at anytime at all... DOWN HERE IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA.
AHS is the shizzle would love to join