Just wanted to let everyone know that today is the day to remember the victims of anti-trans violence.
[b]UPDATE[/b]: Tomorrow is [i]World AIDS Day[/i]!
Thats gay
It went from LGBT to like LGBTDORWQIDNWIRAJIFJEWOSN...392742Gendervoid...gender fluid...genderfluid#6283...ORPSD
Don't tell me what to fuking say you autistic language policing jew
U mean bruce jener molesting children?
Go -blam!- yourself
If two men or two woman can't produce a child together(without the help of science) then you'll never convince me that this alternative lifestyle crap is right
I don't support the trans/gay/etc movement, but people are free to do what they want and shouldn't be criticized/attacked for their choices.
Shut the fück up I'm sick of this stupid equality shít
Killing them is disgusting, however you can't be a man and pretend to be a women and expect everyone to be ok with it
If you want transgenders to be seen as equals then they don't get a remembrance day. Neither should African Americans or gays. Either every ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality gets a special day, or none of them do.
I'm fine with trans/gay/everything else, but when they expect to be treated better than everyone else, that's when I step up and call B.S.
Right probably going to be getting some hate for what I am about to say but oh well. I've said it before IRL and on here you can do what you want to do, however there should be no reason it's being glorified as something. An example being the day when all Homosexual's celebrate being Homosexual (or as far as I understand it) should I as a straight male get a day where I celebrate what I am? No, would most likely be the response of some which is perfectly fine so then why should anyone else get a special day for themselves?
It's just gonna get worse when there are more of them. Imagine if you were in a relationship with one and they didn't tell you. -blam!-en weird if you ask me. I don't really agree with changing your gender. You are playing with gods creation and that's a no no. Sorry but I had to say something religious about it.
Can social justice warriors give it a rest already? For people who want absolute equality they sure seem determinded to point out all our differences. Oh sorry. Did i trigger someone? Have yourself a cookie and STFU.
Wah, someone died, give them a memorial day
So a day of bullshit
Transgenders are scum and a form of cancer.
Edited by Forum Therapist : 11/26/2015 4:39:24 PMSo Bruce Jenner got that woman of the year award. An award that was also rewarded to the only female cop who died during 9-11 before in fact dying, saving 38 people. Her husband returned the award after he found out a guy who thinks he is a girl get an award http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/caitlin-jenner-glamour-award-moira-smith here is the link for the article
Lol who cares about those idiots who got confused
I wish I got a holiday every time I got confused.
Why is this a day
Here, have some attention since you and that group is craving it.
Edited by Loobo: 11/23/2015 12:42:30 AMI still wonder to this day, which doctor was the first to agree to cutting some dudes dick off. How imagine it went down: Guy: Doctor I want you to cut my dick off. Doctor: Why? Guy: Cause I'm really a woman Doctor: K
Okay. Then we need a.... Caucasian Remembrance Day. African American day. Homosexual day. Asian day. Hispanic day. And every other race or group or culture ever created. In theory, we should have a day off every day of the year.
Are people just screwing with us now?
I understand the point, but there's not much to "remember" so far is there?