originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[spoiler]I mean that would you like to command Oryx's Echo for my fight with him?[/spoiler]
"So. How good are you with a sword, Aurash?"
"I know, but I can't kill her."
S, "Do what you did to me then."
"No! I..... Is there a way to contain her and hope that we can break oryx's hold on her?"
S, "I dunno." J, "Same."
"Please, quasis, speak to me....."
All Quasis did was shudder.
[b]xerox tries to force her will on her, hoping to free her[/b]
S, "You can't take what's been taken."
"I know, I'm trying to destroy oryx's hold on her."
S, "Again, just do what you did to me. Bound to work the same. Right?"
"Good point." [b]Xerox cuts a hole into quasis and begins to pry it wide open[/b]
She started twitching more violently now.