originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]the echo begins to have the air crackle and burn around the guardian[/b]
He walks through it, slowly for dramatic effect, and shrugged it off.
[b]the echo begins to fly to him, sword at the ready[/b]
The air had an electrifying atmosphere, as the Guardian picked up the pace. Xerox felt stronger now that Oryx wasn't staring at her.
[b]xerox stands up and tries to summon a sword, hoping that it would work Oryx looks at the guardian and slams his sword down onto him[/b]
Edited by Riven: 11/21/2015 12:40:38 AMJason quickly drew his knife and blocked the sword with his, and stabbed Oryx with the knife in the hand. The sword that Xerox tried summoning was working, slowly.
[b]xerox keeps trying, hoping that it would work Oryx growls as he rips the knife from his hand and throws it at xerox, hitting her in the shoulder[/b]
"Sorry bout that. Oryx, what'd I tell you about throwing knives at knights?"
[i]"You think I care about a traitor?"[/i] [b]oryx swings again as xerox pulls the knife out[/b]
Jason blocked it once more. "Hm... Is Yes an answer?"
[b]Oryx swings towards his side, annoyed by the guardian[/b] [spoiler]so what do you have planned for xerox?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You'll see.[/spoiler] The sword finally formed in her hand. "So, is that a no Oryx?"
[spoiler]oki[/spoiler] [b]xerox grins as she tries to switch it out for a sniper rifle Oryx grabs the guardian and holds him up in the air, ready to impale him[/b]
"Hey, that's cheating. RED CARD!" He grabs a spare knife and stabs Oryx's hand with it. Meanwhile, Quasis lines up the perfect shot to kill Xerox.
[b]xerox notices quasis and curses, she jumps behind cover to avoid being shot Oryx throws the guardian across the ground as he pulls the knife out[/b]
"Could you be more gentle? When did I ever throw YOU across the landscape?" He says, as he gets up. Quasis shoots just as Xerox dives behind cover.
[b]xerox yelps as she feels the line rifle shot tear through her leg, causing her a large amount of pain Oryx looks at the guardian with annoyence as he flies to him[/b]
Edited by Riven: 11/21/2015 5:20:27 PMJason drew a hand cannon in the other hand, and shot Oryx. Quasis begins lining up another shot. "We playin' tag? Love this game. You're it!"
[b]xerox tries to shoot quasis to either stun her or suppress her Oryx slams his sword down on the guardian[/b]
Jason threw a knife at Oryx's center eye and blocked. "I guess that oath you took all those years ago just took it's toll!" Xerox's shot just misses , and Quasis fires another shot.
[b]xerox is hit in the arm, disabling it as she screams in pain Oryx howls in pain as his eye stops working[/b]
"Piece of advice, Xerox? Use that Taken stuffs to patch you're wounds. Works like a charm, if I do say so my self." Quasis charges another shot. "Also, Oryx, did that hurt? Sorry!"
[b]xerox does as he said, trying to stem the black and white blood pouring out Oryx begins to attack at a pace that is too fast to see[/b]
Jason met his movements with superb ease, smiling under his helmet as he did so. A sniper shot rang out, and pinged Oryx in the back of the head. The blood stopped flowing, and Quasis fired at Xerox's foot.
[b]xerox moves her feet just before the shot hits her, it misses by a few millimeters Oryx growls as he kicks the guardian[/b]
Another sniper shot rang out and landed in the same spot. Jason moved to the left, ever so slightly to avoid being kicked and stabbed Oryx in the leg with his Sword. Quasis approaches Xerox slowly, charging another shot.