originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"I suppose we should talk face to face," Autumn said as she took off her helmet. "I think it took us about 7 or 8 months to reach the city. We found a train and that really shortened the trip."
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 11/21/2015 5:15:11 AM"Lucky I was only 13 when my ghost resed me which was the age I died and 3 years of walking was just plain boring" he sighed "then I found her..... she was 17 when I got to the tower at age 16.......she was my only companion for 2 years aside from ghost........I miss her" he hoped it had sparked some jealousy in autumn
"Who was she? And what happened to her?" Autumn said with interest and the slightest bit of jealousy.
"Her name was emily.... she found me in th city perimeter fighting off fallen and well we decided to date for a bit until........... she died from a hive knights blade through her back........."
"Oh. Sounds like that sucked," Autumn said. Autumn yawned. "I'm getting tired.I'm just going to rest my head up on the wall..." She said as her head fell onto his shoulder.
"Yeah...... but its better now" he layed his arm down around her [spoiler]are you acctually going to bed now?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nah, I want this rain to end.[/spoiler]Autumn woke up the next day and realized she fell asleep on Duvanix, who was still sleeping. She carefully moved off of him and stretched.
[spoiler]ok[/spoiler] he woke up shortly after her ca nd realised they had slept through the night together and he smiled a bit just before getting up to stretch
"So should we fly to where I first spawned or walk?"
"In one word...... sparrows" he grabbed his helmet and gently tossed hers at her he put his on then his hood he jumps off the building and gets out his sparrow waiting for her
"Alright, just follow me!" She said to him. The two drove their sparrows down the city streets until they came to a large apartment building. "Be careful Duvanix, this building isn't as strong as it used to be." They began walking up the stairs and Duvanix asked which room there were headed to. "Room 412. Although first we're going to room 313." They came to the third floor and went to the 13th room. They opened the door. The room looked fairly normal, except for it looking old and there was a noose hanging from the ceiling fan. "Okay, I've seen what I want to see, let's go to room 412."
[spoiler]wow im so sorry I fellasleep[/spoiler]"yeah"he followed her cloesly to 412
Edited by Varlerie: 11/21/2015 1:34:53 PMThey went up to room 412 and walked in. The room was a faded pink, about 10 by 10 feet. On one side there was a bed and on the other side there was a desk. Autumn went over to the desk and opened one of the drawers. "Hey look! It's my old ipod. Ghost, can you get any music off of it?" Autumn asked her ghost. "Let me check. Hm. I can only get one audio file, the rest are corrupted," her ghost said. "Play it." [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLtWBvmJdDPjzqt1Z3v8T2KyO-QznRaPLD&v=Cg68WHlN-Ys]a song[/url] began playing from her ghost.
[spoiler]sorry im falling asleep but im gud now[/spoiler] he listens to the music and smiles at autumn "this was a nice place" he walked into the room
"This is where I used to live, before the fallen arrived. It's also where I was revived," Autumn said.
"So you died here?" He walked to the sliding glass door "how?......" he looked out the door
"Well... Um...I killed my self," Autumn said quietly.
"What!? Why? " he turned and looked at her "why would you do that
"Reasons. I'd rather not talk about it." Autumn said. "Do you want to head back to the city?"
"Hold on" a slow song started playing from the file he looked at her and took off his helmet and he held out his hand and asked her "do you wanna dance?" [spoiler]going to breakfast after that got no internet till tommorrow at 4[/spoiler]
Edited by Varlerie: 11/21/2015 2:23:40 PM"Um... Okay," Autumn said taking off her own helmet.
"Have you ever danced before........? You seem nervous." He still held out his hand for her to dance
"No. I've never really danced before," Autumn said with an awkward smile.
"Its fun" he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him [spoiler]im headed to breakfast [/spoiler]
"Okay," she said blushing. The two began dancing, Autumn trying her best to follow Duvanix's lead.
[spoiler]im back but only for a bit[/spoiler] he smiled "you're doing fine"