The waiter serves you the lemonade and moves onto the next costumer. People walked in and out on their daily routine.
[b]She drinks the entire thing, and orders another. This keeps happening, until she has ordered 15 glasses in total.[/b]
The waiter stops her. "You're going to get sick, miss." Just then, the TV shows an ad for a team. Cyprus, a team made for fighters and intellectuals alike.
[spoiler]Intellectuals. Heh.[/spoiler]
[quote][spoiler]Intellectuals. Heh.[/spoiler][/quote]
Oh please, just get me some more.. [b]She says, then sees the ad.[/b] Know anything bout' dem?
The waiter grabs the next glass then stays at the table, answering your question. "Not really, only that they pay well and have done quite a good job."
Would you know where to find them?
" You could probably ask like a police station or something, considering that they're funded by the Galactic Feds."
Ok. How much do I owe? [b]She asks, although you see no money on her.[/b]
"$37.99, something tells me you can't pay that, can you?"
Oh I can pay... [b]She says, as she snaps as some people die. I pick up their wallets, and pay with their money.[/b] Keep the change... [b]She says, as she walks out the door to the Police Department to find out more of them...[/b]
The waiter stands there, amazed. The Police Department is just down the street.
[spoiler]The new post[/spoiler]
*as she reached the police station a blade was held to the back of her neck* So what brings you to this plane of existence Succubus?
Many things, mainly to be normal... [b]She says, as she then says..[/b] What are you doing here demon?
I don't like it when my subjects escape from my domain without permission..if you have anything to prove you have been given passage present it to me right away *the blade is pulled away*
Who says I am your subject to begin with? [b]She says, as she too pulls a blade out with a name..[/b] [quote]Alizë[/quote]
Anything that comes from hell in one way or another is under my rule
But you are assuming that I came from hell.. [b]She says, as you notice her appearance changing somewhat...[/b] I can be anyone and everything
I know
Oh, I forgot to say something. [b]She says, as you can see Raven as her.[/b] I helped you guys with Kyle... [b]She says, as you see his blades on her.[/b]
Tell me do you know who Kyle is?
I know many things, and I also know about Raven.. And I can say many things, but it may be possible that I am her.. [b]She says, as you notice a tattoo on her neck.[/b]
The fact that your body keeps changing is making me doubt many things...for now I'll let you go but next time I won't hesitate to kill you for your actions unless you have a valid reason
Raven is coming back, and she [i]will[/i] stay.. [b]She says, as she walks out in Raven's form...[/b]