Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
315 Hunter looking for a new player on XBOX ONE
I'm a year 1 veteran if you ever need help because your are new to Destiny, I'll help you no problem. On PS4 Ad the code...
Edited by Pezzamcbezza: 2/3/2016 11:59:34 PM319 hunter vet, played since beta and most days since! on xbox one looking for a new player to do the quest line with, don't mind helping with anything on most nights and have friends who can help out as well add the code!
Edited by OneSleazyYeti: 2/2/2016 6:34:22 AMVeteran looking for new comer. Gt: OneSleazyYeti. message me please Xbox One
Edited by Seb: 2/2/2016 5:36:58 AMXbox One Vet looking for a newcomer. Preferably an Aussie but just have a mic. Lets get teh loots together. :D btw im on Australian time plus i have school. My GT is Sebby312.
Vet looking for referees. PS4-watersoak any character, anybody as long as you are chill and patient.
Looking to help out someone to rise to greatness. Msg C1AK3R5 and we can get this done.
Looking for a refer a friend, if you help me, I will help you do the normal or hard raid of TTK, even help you prepare for it! Add Glidlow93 and send a message of what you need! :) Boys and girls welcome!
psn- kieran_nufc2011 , im a destiny vet and im looking for someone who is a referee to do the refer a friend quest
Bought destiny sometime last year, Bought TTK on the 24-25 Jan, don't know if Im a referee or vet. 288 warlock. If Im a referee or whatever hit me up on Xbone - LJKageki Rarely have a mic
I am a veteran looking for a new comer to help
Vet looking to help a newcomer, Xbox gamertag SecretGlade. Can get along with most people and use all weapon types depending on situation. I use all 3 classes but tend to use Warlock the most.
Xbox Vet looking to complete refer-a-friend quest. GT XT2673 Click it. You know you wanna.
Looking to help a new player with refer a friend quest 319 Titan PSN kby69
looking for a Vet for refer-a-friend, PSN: The_912_Guy
Veteran looking for a new player to help
Need a newcomer message gamer tag and we can do this quest I'm very experienced and want this gear from the quest
Edited by NorthernHaze: 1/26/2016 7:08:59 AMVeteran looking to do the refer a friend quest line. I will show you around, learn you everything I know about this game, build you up, to get ready for raids, and sherpa you through the raids.
Looking to join some one at totems or war priest I have one more with me so it 2 of us looking to join 312 light gt (Cake Ma5ter) hard Mode Xbox one Kings fall
Edited by Vicious77: 1/28/2016 5:54:56 AMI'm looking to get the sweet rewards you get by referring a friend. I'll post refferal link for PS4 . I play everyday in the evenings. A buddy of mine is willing to help a well to speed things up. Psn: vicious77 Titan 320 light
I play whenever just hit the link
I am chill player and always willing to help I am on xbox one and My gt is technospaz12
Looking for someone to do this quest with is reminding me of one of those really bad dating sites. Just a bunch of lonely vets on here looking for someone. So I'm not going to brag on myself (if you want to know just look me up on destiny tracker). That being said, I am looking for a new player to do the quest with. Who knows, maybe I will love you long time. System: PS4 Gamer tag: Eldiablo1127 Availability: Almost always, except when I'm not online. Bonus: Interested parties will be invited to the exclusive PS4 clan Grinding Light!
Edited by Valkyrie: 1/25/2016 2:44:09 PMXbox One GT: XxTRIBESxX 306 Hunter Looking for new players wanting to do Refer-a-Friend quest. New to the game or even just the dlc. Don't care which.
Edited by JKLRedeemed: 1/25/2016 4:17:42 AMI'm a 311 Hunter (as of this post) from year one and I've done everything, except Kings Fall. I do not own a mic. I do have a job and I'm going to college, but I'll be on almost everyday after 4:00. My preferred weapons: Primary: hand cannons and auto rifles Secondary: shotgun and sniper Heavy: Swords and rocket launchers I'm looking for a casual player who just wants to have fun and earn some loot. I'd be more than happy to help with other things too.