Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
Just looking to help a new Guardian get us some new gear on Xbox One. Im a Year 1 player and I'm a 316 Light level Hunter basically know everything. Willing to help with a lot just let me know. Message me on Xbox Gt: o Unxpected o
I am a year 1 Veteran and I am looking to help a new guardian reach the heights that most of us stand at now. I myself have 3 characters all above 300 light and I am very experienced and friendly. My Xbox one gamertag is xVirtualOspreyx and if your a new person looking. feel free to hit me up.
Edited by DRAMATICNC: 11/24/2015 4:48:10 AMAny New Year One Players Im willing to help and get any new rewards hit me up so we can complete these quest on XBOX ONE
XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus Looking for a new guy to LINK With, Ull be rewarded Handsomely for you services, Message me for more details.
Veteran Destiny Player here. Add Zim93 on PS4. Im almost always online. My timezone is EST.
Edited by ms.dos.the.boss: 11/24/2015 4:45:02 AMHey, new Guardians! I have been playing since week one and play any chance I can. I've gotten a bunch of Guardians from level 1 all the way to level 40 on PS4. I am willing to help anyone out, I have all three of my characters up to above 300 Light Levels. I love PvP and PvE, I'm willing to help you run Nightfalls, Strikes, Crucible playlists, any Raid or just having some fun in Patrol. I'm fun and love giving my friends challenges during Strikes and PvP, such as: Melee only, Swords only, Primary only - whatever you want. We'll have fun! If you're new and looking for someone to show the ropes, I'm your girl. (: Anyone willing to click the following link will not only get some awesome loot but also have a great time doing so! So, click the link, what do you have to lose? :D PSN: nrrrdgrrrl4life Hoping to hear from someone soon! Let's make this happen Guardians! :3
PS4 Calling any and all guardians who want a fun friend to play destiny with. I'm a veteran guardian with a lot of experience, I've seen every patch and I have tested every weapon. if you want a good time playing destiny and you sometimes can't get the raid done or trials or missions or even pvp go ahead and add me I'll help you no matter what PSN is SPARTAN21143. This is the link to start on our long journey as I take you to the top future friend. =)
Any new guardians need some help in the world of destiny? Or just want to get some kool stuff Either way. I'll help you guys out. Message TheUndeadSlug If your interested
Hey is any newcomer looking for a veteran player. My gt is bosscoreydon1. message me on xbox 1
Any new comers that need help? I'm here to show you the ropes. Gt Prince Perseus.
Hey new guys that will soon to be my friend! my Gamer Tag is Reaper 520, Im a veteran of the game since day one from Sydney Australia, Im happy to show the ropes or pass all of my knowledge of the game to anyone new to the game. Not being picky but It will be a great If your on Australia as well so that it will be easier for us to play on the same time. Add me on Xbox One and message me so that we can start your Destiny. I will be waiting for you guardian! Click the link below and follow instructions.
Hello, new fellow year 2 guardians! I've been playing Destiny since year 1 on Xbox One and would like to Sherpa someone through their experience in year 2 on. This is my referral link (Link: , Link 2: As stated earlier, I am a veteran player. Please only use the link for valid referral purposes. If the link does not work please PM me via . My Gamer tag for Xbox Live is D3V1LSM3SS3NG3R Thank you!
Yooo. I'm a year one player and I'm totally looking to help you out so we can get some exclusive gear. Add psychconaut on playstation or send me a message!
Hello new guardians! I'm a year 1 ps4 veteran, and i'm here to help you out on your journey through the destiny universe! I mainly play on my 312 Warlock and It would be my absolute pleasure to help you get into the groove of destiny as well as make a new friend who'll help you as much as possible c: So if you play on PS4, just send me a message via ps4 (PSN: PoopnCats) and fon't forget to hit that crispy link in this message c: I'll see you at the Tower, Guardian!
Edited by Joshua6294: 11/24/2015 4:30:08 AMPS4 Veteran Hunter at 312 light looking for a new friend and some cool loot Add Joshua6294
Hello future friend :) I am looking to help you out and get us both some sweet rewards :D I've been playing destiny pretty much since the beginning and it is amazing. I am willing to help you out with anything, depending when I get off of work or school. I can't wait to see your reaction when you get some sweet rewards. Hoping to meet you soon guardian :) My psn id is thundrstrikr and this is my code (added two new ones in case the first gets full, don' mind helping more than one person): P.S. My timezone is EST
Looking for a new guy to link with. Ill help u with whatever you need just shoot me a msg and we can link
Any new players out there wanting help for a year one vet msg me gt knightofwar94 and I will send you a code so we can both get awesome gear and you can have fun playing with a beast lol
XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus Looking for a new guy to LINK With, Ull be rewarded Handsomely for you services, Message me for more details.
1 Year veteran of the game highly skilled willing to help when ever I can and along the way you will earn rewards on Xbox One my GT is Kitsume Gaming message me if your interested
I'm a vet player with a lot of experience to share. All my 3 characters are 316+ light lvl. For any new player that need help and want to do the quest add me on the PS4 PSN: Kandyman99
Hi, Friend! Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." GT: froap Vet 314 hunter been playing since beta
XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus Looking for a new guy to LINK With, Ull be rewarded Handsomely for you services, Message me for more details.
Hello, new fellow year 2 guardians! I've been playing Destiny since year 1 on Xbox One and would like to Sherpa someone through their experience in year 2 on. This is my referral link (Link: ). As stated earlier, I am a veteran player. Please only use the link for valid referral purposes. If the link does not work please PM me via . My Gamer tag for Xbox Live is D3V1LSM3SS3NG3R Thank you!
Hello! I've been playing Destiny since year 1 on Xbox One and would like to Sherpa someone through their experience in year 2 on. This is my referral link (Link: ). As stated earlier, I am a veteran player. Please only use the link for valid referral purposes. If the link does not work please PM me via . My Gamer tag for Xbox Live is Kelvinzors Thank you!
I'm a beta tester and year one vet, I primarily play as a at 299 titian, looking for someone to join me and my friend when we play, we're on xb one, my friend is a hunter, we both want to help out any newbies message me for our codes if you have a friend we can get both of you codes and we'll have a four man group for all kinds of shinanigans