Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
- I would like to make a new friend. I have a Titan, 301 light. If you are new to the game and would like to have some fun learning and playing the game together, please click on the link provided and we can get started! Gt: Twigger0625
Day 1 vet on xbox one, I run a warlock stormcaller. I know the rooes and will be willing to show you Referees.
Looking to team up with a new guardian I will help u lets become legend together I'm on destiny on a daily basis so let's get started
- I NEED YOU!! Please use my link if you wanna help me out ;) You can be my brand new friend, free of charge :D (Please help me, I need this in my life) (Day 1 Vet on Xbox one)
Edited by Sirr Lantzalot: 11/24/2015 12:01:58 AMHey I'm a Day One Vet looking to help a new referee on Xbox One! Use any class, any weapon I don't care I'll still help! I have 3 311+ characters. GT is Sirr Lantzalot Message me on Xbox if youre accepting the referral.
Hey, I have been playing destiny since around December last year, I would enjoy to carry someone through the quest line again, I am on ps4 and if you would like me to help then add me on ps4, my psn is : xXenderborn22Xx adn my refer a freind link is
I'm a veteran on destiny contact me on PS3 Skyhammer48 I wanna help the new ones to become veterans at the game
Veteran player, beaten everything this game has to offer, twice and i need someone to bring into this amazing world Here is my link Hit me up and lets get started
Message xandor-mcm12 on PS4
Day 1 player will help new players on destiny ps4 www.Bungie.Net/en/ReferAFriend?Code=raf-rvv-xya-L99
Hello .. Looking for referees to help and in the process get awesome loot.Message me for the referral link.
- thats the code to get started with the refer a friend quest, I'm an active player looking for a new guardian to do the quests. I'm on ps4 and very friendly !
PS4 Mr_Classica Hunter: Gunslinger/Nightstalker/Bladedancer Handcannons/Scout rifles, fusion rifles and swords! Looking for a referree! I have a mic love to play just about anything this game has to offer!
new players only i have 3 max characters beaten all raids on hard and have played destiny since beta wanting to help people out gt exiled demigod
Hey guys! Echo here. Do you like staying indoors and doing nothing but play Destiny? No? Well you're a loser! Just joking you're beautiful. Have fun or die trying is my motto and that's what I'm all about. If you play on the Xbox one and love destiny as much as I do, I'll welcome you with open arms! And legs. And feet. :D Just message echostep for more details! (Also click the link!)
Edited by Eyez of LA: 11/23/2015 11:56:58 PMI'm a great sherpa. I'm patient and have helped dozens of groups since launch day with nightfall strikes and raids. [url=][u][b]Here[/b][/u][/url] is my refer-a-friend link. We can both get some free rewards and finish this up within a few hours. (Xbox one Only)
317 Titan, Day one and beta veteran player, new player needed to be referee, get your character levelled up, do some strikes and raids :) on every day XBOX ONE
- Looking for a friend for this refer a friend quest. I've beaten everything destiny has to offer. Above is the link. My gamer tag is JSimp3324 and I'm on Xbox one
im a 310 hunter on xbox one and looking for a referee
PSN: VikeSquad Lvl 304 Hunter looking for a new player
Vet player 310 need help with this if your new to destiny
GT:InboundsCone4 Link: Click on the link,when your in click on claim code, and now were linked. Msg me on xbox so we can get started.
Edited by JD: 11/23/2015 11:55:06 PMVeteran player with alternate account. PSN ready to go with someone else with alt account. Msg me killajd82. There's no new players and won't be till xmas. This is the only way we are getting this done.
Veteran player with 3 characters fully level up. Done every mission, raid and crucible quest in the game and gone flawless multiple times. Looking to help a new destiny player on the new mission and have fun at the same time. Need help let me know mostly on at nights and have a mic to make things easier. Add slick05 and I'm on ps4.