Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
I'm a veteran looking to get this refer quest done and have some fun along the way. I've completed all content so far and I'm on xbox one. Reply and I'll get to you
Veteran i have all character max PS4 - please have a mic its more fun to talk than typing :) Add: kriz-reyle then i'll send u a link from there Lets have fun :)
Edited by Ratchetpower2: 11/23/2015 11:50:29 PMYear One vet looking for referees. I'm willing to help anyone even if they're retards or just not very good. [b]-Console:[/b] PS4 [b]-PSN ID:[/b] Ratchetpower2 [b]-Main Class:[/b] Warlock, Stormcaller. However, I am fluent with all 3 classes and all 9 Subclasses are maxed out in case you want me to be a particular class. All 3 classes can be 300. [b]-Prefered Weapon(s):[/b] In PVE I like using All Primary Weapon types but most of the time I lean towards either Scout Rifles or Pulse Rifles, for Special Weapons, I normally use Shotguns but occasionally use Fusion Rifles (Telesto ftw!) or Snipers, I hate Sidearms. For Heavy Weapons I generally use Machine Guns or Swords. In Crucible (PVP) I generally prefer Pulse Rifles as my Primary, Shotguns or Snipers as my Special, and Machine Guns as my Heavy. [b]Click the link and let's get started, message me on PSN when we're gonna do this! Also, I hope you like craziness and jokes =D[/b]
Any Referee. Give me a notification. Im a Veteran Warlock 315
Edited by longdongsuprm: 11/23/2015 11:43:12 PMlooking for a destiny play for a while im a titan who likes pulse rifles and shotguns and can rock the sun breaker subclass and my gt is the same as my name on xbox 1
Hello I need a new player for this quest I can help you with lvling up and help with your raids. Psn is FLAMe479, is my code. Message me on ps4 if intrested
Hey my ps4 username is El_Gato2 I am a very skilled player with 3 characters willing to help you go through the ropes and get this quest line done here is my link
Anyone need help? I'm a year one veteran 314 and I could get you through destiny in a flash Im on Xbox 360 and you could message me there my gt is the same
- ATTN New Players Will guide/carry you through Destiny. Add me.
Vet looking for a referee GT JaSpicy Xbox one
Free all week to help people power through to get to the fun end content Add q_raul if your new to destiny
PS4 Veteran, Played since beta. Can help with anything. Referal Code:
Xbox Gamertag is Fusorium Any new guardians feel free to message me and I'll help with anything. Send me a message on Xbox and I'll add you and send the Refer a Friend code for the Bungie website.
- klutzyborrito
Edited by HighlyToXxic: 11/23/2015 11:41:37 PMI am a veteran! I will help anyone with the confusing ropes(on Xbox one) of destiny of you are a new to destiny, look to further and click here
- <---- I am experienced 313 warlock who can help you get sweet rewards. PS4. Message xandor-mcm12
I'm here to Help a new guardian who just purchased the destiny the taken king I'm willing to put ass much time as possible and to help u through your destiny experience just closed circuit on the code link so we can get started I'm a awesome 315 warlock looking to help Xbox one gamer tag WafflesaurasRex
This is so funny, have any of these posts actually worked?
Edited by Morgan Freewin: 11/23/2015 11:40:14 PMHippoEnforcer. Looking for a referee to link with. All my characters are above 312. Msg me on Xbox One for a referral link
Hurry up oryx is almost dead need 2 add n join swagtaker21
PSN ID: chasosinmotion Destiny Veteran on PS4 [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] I'm a rather experienced Hunter looking to help out a new Guardian looking to start off their own Legend. I have a mic, so communication isn't a problem. Feel free to send a message when you want to get started. BTW, you have to be eligible for referee status to link accounts. Hope to see you on the battlefield soon, guardian.
If you erase a character does it counts?
Ps4 veteran Willing to help anyone who needs it :) koolaidude121
317 Titan, Day one and beta veteran player, new player needed to be referee, get your character levelled up, do some strikes and raids :) XBOX ONE
- I am a veteran guardian looking to help a new guardian through TTK XBOX1 and send me a msg
- I am a veteran guardian looking to help a new guardian through TTK XBOX1 and send me a msg