Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
- Any one can add I'm a legacy player Three high ranked characters Click the link then add mclovin_n_nic
Hi. I'm looking for a referee on PS4 who wants to be shown the ropes of Destiny by a veteran. My PSN is Number_One_Freak. My code is Don't worry if you don't have a mic.
I'm a vet looking for new recruit refer with this link ps4 You can also add me lewbran247
Juke Splash I'm 313 looking to help a new comers we the refer a friend quest Must be on Xbox one Msg if it worked to start the linking process
Edited by osIec: 11/23/2015 11:05:21 PM Xboxone Gt: Oslec1235 Im 314 warlock i can help as much as i can and i don't make a lot of mistakes so im really good at pve and pvp and im very quite but im really good and i can help you everyday because i like to help people and also im a veteran
Edited by UndeadxColin: 11/23/2015 11:03:24 PMI'm on ps4, my name is DarkDestroyer375 I'm a veteran looking for a referee, all of my characters are level 40 but, I prefer to play as a hunter night stalker or golden gun. I love using pulse rifles and hand cannons along with sniper rifles here is my link for any referee
Created a new account, looking for a veteran to do the same.
Xbox 1. I can make another account as I have a 10 day xbox live trial code so I can help some1 get the quest done on there main profile. But I would like if you also have another account aswell so I can get the quest for my main account as well. We will both LINK are other accounts with each other's main accounts so we know we are not messing each other around. Msg me if interested.
Hi, Friend! Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. S117Naruto
Blarg Junior232 titan 300 light on xb1, looking for a kinderguardian to do quest with
Day one veteran looking for a new player for the refer a friend quest I'm on Xbox one gt is Y0l0swagmuffin
308 hunter looking forward to helping someone out. I mostly use auto rifles and hand cannons. Message me if interested PSN: drshankenstien8
Hello, I am ManOfGallifrey. I am a Day One Destiny Veteran playing on the Xbox One. I have quite a bit of knowledge and experience with this game, so if you are looking to do the refer a friend quest I am more than happy to help.
Created a new account on xbox one looking for someone to do the same gt same as above
Hi, Friend! Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. S117Naruto
Veteran player with 3 characters fully level up. Done every mission, raid and crucible quest in the game and gone flawless multiple times. Looking to help a new destiny player on the new mission and have fun at the same time. Need help let me know mostly on at nights and have a mic to make things easier. Add slick05 and I'm on ps4
Bungie sucks ass and so does next gen cause they get everything
If anyone wants to do this message Lines of magic on xbox one
Edited by Brimst0ne6800: 11/23/2015 11:03:00 PM I'm a level 40 and light 310 on ps4 and I'm a titan
- Xbox one GT:Coleflynn
I'm looking for any new players on XBOX ONE. Im a year one vet. My gamer tag is SOULLESS DESIRE
I'm here to Help a new guardian who just purchased the destiny the taken king I'm willing to put ass much time as possible and to help u through your destiny experience just closed circuit on the code link so we can get started I'm a awesome 315 warlock looking to help Xbox one gamer tag WafflesaurasRex
Juke Splash I'm 313 looking to help a new comers we the refer a friend quest Must be on Xbox one to start the linking process.
Edited by IIsLAgII: 11/23/2015 11:01:18 PM im a xbox one year 1 vet/sherpa and willing to show any newcomers everything there is to this game from story, raids, and crucible if youd like to do the quest add me gt :[b] iislagii[/b] theres a lot to this game and lots of in game content that we can run so help me help you get started.
Edited by LoganZman: 11/23/2015 11:01:21 PMDay 0 player looking to help someone out on xbox one message me on xbox at LoganZman if you wanna play