Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
Veteran with all classes above 310 looking to help new players so we can both get that sweet new loot. Im very relaxed and easy going. know all strategies and can relics on all raids so we can continue playing even after this quest.. PSN: Silent_beast85
Hello kinderguardians. I am a representetive of the casual xbox one player. I run hunter or warlock and am happy to help new guardians at any stage in their journey no matter how skilled and whichever class and playstyle. My xbox gamertag is [u]showypegasus217[/u] I am looking forward to helping anybody if they wish. Welcome to destiny kinderguardians and good luck with whichever mentor you chose. Message me for a referal if you wish to join me in these most prestigious of destiny moments Anyone accepted no matter skill or effort
Veteran on xbox one, msg ElecTricPytH0N
Anyone interested in account swap on xbox one? We could help each other.
PSN: xXMeMsXx LIGHT: 317 CLASS: Warlock Url:
Please help how do I get my code
Im a year 1 veteren on xbox one and I would be happy to show a newcomer the ropes.
Hi I'm a PS4 year 2 veteran looking to find a new player (referee) so that we can get the new quest and sweet loot together and have FUN doing it. Add me on psn and follow the link.
XBOX ONE. GT: Tatekill Hey my name is Tate and I'm 16. I'm looking for some1 to do Refer a Friend with and play destiny with. My character is 314 and I can show you all the cool content in destiny like Doing the Raids and Trials of Osiris. We can also do the Refer a friend quest which gives us ULTRA rare sparrows , emotes , swords and more. Use this to LINK with my character. If you need any help Linking then read the FAQ or send me a msg on XB1 If you have Linked with my character then sent me a msg on XB1.
Hey guys, Veteran here. If any Referees need a link hit me up :D PSN: SPARKS_FAFA Class: Warlock (Master Race ftw) Team up with I to embark on a fantastic journey to claim bragging rights before mine and hopefully your colleagues :)
GT: KILLER_24789 Light Level - 318 Titan Looking to help anyone and everyone.
315 warlock looking for a referee to run through the new refer a friend quest, Xbox one Msg xb0ssxbronco58x
PS4 Newcomers
I'm On PS4 I'm 301 light Hunter willing to help and be a friend to a Kindergaurdian
- Looking to help someone out and get sweet loot.
Hey guys been playing destiny since day one and I am willing help any new comers to the game psn: Cyberstorm300 https//
315 Beta Veteran Warlock Xbox One xT0X1C HAL0x gamertag. Willing to help anyone out who is a referee. Send me message
Vet would like to refer a newbie msg ElecTricPytH0N (really want sparrow )
Looking to help new Xbox one players
- Ps4 guardian looking to help out
I'm a veteran who is looking for a newcomer for Destiny GT: is xYRN Vinox
Edited by madmike1325: 11/23/2015 10:09:00 PMHi, my PSN is madmike1325 I have all 3 classes 300+ light. My favored class is my hunter and I play both pvp and pve. I have a clan that can help get the raids out of the way and can help you get leveled fast. I play best with a hand cannon and sniper. I have a ton of time and can help you out. I have been play from year 1 and would love to help Someone new out. My link:
Looking for a referee to work with on this new quest line. Link included to better assist. Titan llv306 ready to help. Platform : PS4 Weapons : open but I prefer to use my melee. Just send me a message at Angeloyue. Look forward to it. Thank you.
Day 1 vet, looking for any new Titans out there who are wanting to do the quest and get sweet loot. I'm a Titan at 312 and can teach you everything there is to know about being the greatest race of destiny. I'm available all week this week, so add me and I'll guarantee I'll have you at level 40 by the end of the week. Add psn: dukers4life8 Only accepting 1 apprentice. Here's the link to connect with me.