Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
Year one vet, xbox one, looking for a ref, 308 titan 303 hunter 301 warlock, Gt as above [url= ][/url]
Yr1 vet on ps4 all 3 characters @315+ looking to help a new comer to destiny Add ghostface073 and message me
Hello my friends, i'm a 318+ hunter looking for a newbie to play the "refer a friend" quest line with. this is the link: message Farre4 or send me a friend request + message.
Veteran looking for a rookie to help out: Msg: Underground K [Xbox One]
I am a Year 1 player. Im on pretty much all the time and I have all 3 characters. If any new player would like to do the quest with me message me, my gamertag is F4TaL Samurai. I'm on xbox one.
Edited by Vessel: 12/5/2015 9:57:28 PM Year 1 vet 310+ Hunter and Titan, can work with any play time really.. Xbox one Gamertag is Galactic Spook. Message me if you're interested!
Edited by BermyUnited: 12/5/2015 4:03:59 PMYear 1 player on Xbox One have 3 characters at 310+ and also an admin of a very active clan looking for new players that need help gt BermyUnited
Console: PS4 Gamertag: Destroyer2468543 Class: Hunter, Warlock, Titan Primary: Doesn't bother me Secondary: Doesn't bother me Heavy: Doesn't bother me Subclass: Doesn't bother me btw I am a 310 hunter.
I'm a 315 guardian looking for someone new to the complete the refer a friend quest line with on the Xbox one... GT: Xx6UNSL1N6ERxX
I'm a vet with a 313 warlock. Looking for a referee to play with. Message me if interested. XBOX ONE GT: GottenAttorney3
Edited by T-Env0: 12/5/2015 9:15:47 PM ps4 Beta Veteran looking for a Referee to play with! 310+ Hunter/Warlock/Titan with variety of guns to use. Send me a message or add. I have open availability to play PST
Looking for a veteran on ps4 then add me neff415. Ill help you through what you need help on and invite you into the clan. Here's the referral code=RAF-KTV-ARJ-T6N
Year 1 vet lvl.315 looking for new person for refer a friend quest lines on Xbox one GT: Xx6UNSL1N6ERxX
Look for a Year 1 player starting off add me Zewgestu PSN
Year 1 vet lvl.315 titan looking for new person for refer a friend quest lines on ps4 psn id: lamborghini576
Lv 299 vet on ps4 lookig for new player for refer a friend... Friend me
Lvl 315 Titan vet looking for new player to complete tale of two guardians quest. Psn id: Victoreto Refer a friend link:
Year 1 vet class titan Gt cold_as_stone16 Weapon scout rifle
Year 1 vet that start from the very beginning. Looking for a new player that has just joined the game to help out and give him/her a hand getting some sweet gear and bring them along on an adventure. I have a 317 Warlock, 316 Titan, and 316 Hunter. If you are interested then send me a message on PSN and join up for some chaos! PSN: Omegastriker7
Edited by Jorah Snow: 12/5/2015 4:01:50 PMYear 1 vet Been playing since day Xbox one GT is killianY2K
Year 1 Vet I play on all classes with a current fav toward the hunter. I love using hand cannons and doing pve. PS4:Aeon-Xilliam
Hey all I'm a day 1 vet and looking for a new player to destiny that has had taken king under 7 days.looking to do the quest refer a friend where we both get exclusive very easy going and can help with anything on destiny as I've completed nearly everything and nearly have everything click the link to join and also send me a msg to let me know got Daveyg04
- Played since day one release! All three accounts above level 310:) Platinum trophy for destiny Playstation 4 Playstation 4 Psn: Alexthefunk Psn: Alexthefunk
- Year 1 veteran Willing to teach people about the ups and downs of the destiny world Message me on the app for details! :) See you soon guardians
Xbox one vet withe three character above 315. looking to help out a new guardian. Message me to get started. Gamer tag is herewego28. Click this link to setup the refer a friend.
Edited by R3AL D3ATHW1SH: 12/5/2015 1:08:32 AMI'm a day 1 VET looking for a scrub to carry under my wing ha! I'm 316+ light on all 3 characters. And wouldn't mind helping someone new get some free stuff and show them the ways of the world. If your new to the taken king (last 7 days) hit me up on Xbox one. Gamertag - R3AL D3ATHW1SH