Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
I am a year 1 vet looking for a new guardian to refer with TTK DLC on PS4. Now lets team up, get some sweet loot, and BECOME LEGEND. Add me by clicking the link below.
Edited by ( °□°): 11/28/2015 6:55:17 AMA veteran player that has been playing from day always online playing and dont mind helping new players. heres my code. my gt fuwahfuwah on xbox one
Edited by TheLoneCrayonEater: 11/28/2015 1:15:53 AMI am looking for a referee. All of my characters are above 300 and looking forward to teaching someone how to play and i have PS4 Psn: blackdeath113 Code is right here
- Looking for a referee, I play a lot. 1685 hours logged in as of this post. Down to help out with pretty much anything. I run all three classes, light levels fluctuate between 305 & 311 depending on my current gear and chosen load-outs. Lets link up and grab some sweet gear!
Anyone trying to link up? Message me on xbox one Gt VizfuL
Looking for a newcomer on ps4 who wants to team up and crush enemies on the battle field (mic preferred) link:
Edited by Drunkas, Kell of Driving: 11/27/2015 11:43:05 PMLooking for a referee on Xbox! I play quite a bit and wouldn't mind making a new friend to raid with.
- I'm a 314 titan , xbox 1 , I will help you thru everything ! Message TEP PINEAPPLE . Welcome gardian.
- is my PS4 code. Been playing Since day 1 of ps3, X_6ft3midget_X is my tag. Willing to help any newcomers learn the way of the old, as well as my group. We are very experienced
I am a vet in need of a referee please friend code is all of my guardian ara lvl 40 willing to help anyone please I need a referee psn codyp1337 friend code is
× IMPORTANT × OK so... I'm a "vet" but.... I know that if I make a new account we can make it, you'll make a new account and thanks to the Xbox capabilities of charing games in a console we both will have the stuff in our main accounts. ... Yeah I'm desperate My GT: X Pain Master 0 Mine BTW [spoiler]funny cause it say gay[/spoiler]
Hey gaurdians, I'm an Xbox One player, Wi11iamsBro2002, and I am a lv40 Stormcaller, I prefer Handcannons, Fusion Rifles, and Swords, or Rocket Launchers, I am looking for a Referee to fight alongside me to get Refer A friend Content, and prefferably a non-cusser at that
Veteran looking to help new players.
I am a veteran player since day1 and willingly to help new players get the hang of it on Xbox one
Looking for someone new to help and show them how to play I love helping to people and so does the rest of my clan join me in the link below
Hi Guardian! I thought i would share my link, maybe i will win the lottery. Experienced guardian looking to help a new player on PS4 :)
any new referees on xb1 want some cool stuff, some help through some quests and teams to play with, hit up this link: been playing since day 1, beat all the raids, etc.
Day 1 player looking for new ppl to help. Psn: silk04 I have all classes maxed
Looking to help any new guardian to the TTK. I am in xbox one and will help you with everything Destiny. My gt: MilleniumxHD
Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. BARRON31112 312 Titan Have almost every available exotic in game. Willing to run through whole game with new guardian to get you through it a little easier/ show you some secrets
im a fellow veteran willing to help you out any fellow kindergaurdian with the refer a friend quest I have one requirement though don't rage just have fun add LilManWAR05 I am on PS4 and to link up with me heres my link down below
Hi! I'm italian y1 vet looking for a new guardian for the quest! Ask me for invite :)
Hi, Friend! Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. Message Mrsangrypanda74
Veteran willing to help out a fellow kindergaurdian with refer a friend Gt is LilManWAR05 add me so we can link up on ps4 and have a blast
Veteran guardian looking for a referee to link up and help out with , Gt as above on Xbox one drop me a message .