Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
( xbox one) I am a 310 hunter here to help out any new comers to destiny. On destiny alot so I'll be able to help whenever just open the link below and let's become legends. gt Xx VIPE3R xX
- Need a new comer who just recently bought the taken King. Xbox one gt: MilleniumxHD
Follow this link if you. Need a vet I'm a first day 310 willing to help any new guardians with the refer a friend quests and other things like the raids or nightfall. My gamertag is kingofblocks52. If you are interested click the link above and then add me and message me on xbox one
Am happy to help anyone. Gt same as above.
If you are new and want help you can click this link and be my partner make sure that you have Destiny The Taken King or even wiling to buy it [url][/url]
I am a newbie who just got the game. Can someone help. Xbox 1
Looking for a new taken King player that's needs a refer Happy to help I'm a day one player Message Ryoishikawa Xbox1
Edited by mlwxvoltage.TTV: 11/25/2015 5:08:52 PMI'm a veteran and needs a new guardian to destiny Gt:HighBlitz10 I'm an Xbox1 player just send me a msg
Been playing since day 1 and I'm up for helping new players and making new friends. Played all three classes but I main titan. Add Willster92 on PS4 if anyone likes to.
Edited by Chakra: 11/25/2015 5:04:54 PMDestiny player since beta looking for the next in line for the title of God Of Calamity gamer tag Debilex here's my link-
If you are new click this link and follow the steps so we link up and I'll help you from there :)
Ps4 Day 1 Guardian psn : New3rakush
Not going to make this too fancy but if you are a new player and want help with refer a friend on Xbox one send me a message. Gamer tag is the same as above and I will have a code waiting for you.
Edited by Ravishing_Riza: 11/25/2015 4:50:37 PMI have a question. I don't have The Taken King yet, but I do have Destiny and the first two expansions. If I were to buy The Taken King, let's say this Friday, would I be considered a Refer-ee?
If you are new click this link and follow the steps so we link up and I'll help you from there :)
I'm a new player who doesn't know how to open the game can someone help me 😂😂😂😂
Not going to make this too fancy but if you are a new player and want help with refer a friend on Xbox one send me a message. Gamer tag is the same as above and I will have a code waiting for you.
Day 1 Veteran, Beta Tester, Playin all 3 Characters, looking for a Referee to get all of the loot.... Will get You trough all the way to 40....Playing on Xbox One, GT is DenchiNL
I'm a new player can we do the raf quest don't know how it work add me :)
Edited by FFGFlash: 11/25/2015 4:51:07 PM[b]Hey I'm a [u]VET[/u] looking for a [u]REF[/u][/b] Gamertag: Awesome Taco123 Console: Xbox 1 Class: Warlock Subclass: Stormtrance Primary: None Secondary: Shotgun Heavy: Sword Join me here [url][/url]
I got the game 2 days ago but haven't opened it yet. Can someone help me. Xb1