Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
[quote]Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types. the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot. whats required -which console and account name -perfered class, subclasses ranked -perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc) PS: I can help any REFEREEon Xbox one CREATING A NEW ACCOUNT DOESNT WORK UNLESS YOU WANT TO RE-PURCHASE CONTENT READFIRST: Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.[/quote] Desperate ploy to keep players in this game.
Guys were just wasting time here how many of us vets knew this app was here when we bought destiny? I didn't till a month after I got destiny
gimme gimme gimme ill carry your ass u can be afk for all i care
day 1 vet looking for any rookie that needs help we'll do this refer quest and get awesome loot my GT: xdeath1ordx :
Here is my Code, I am the High Noble Commander of the clan UNITEDGUARDIANSFEDERATION you are more than welcome to join. I will gladly run you threw everything and educate you on anything. By a week you will be a top dog in our Federation that has completed everything on hard.
Day 1 veteran looking for new players to help them with whatever they want ... and of course to get the exclusive items ;) Xbox One Gt: Elron 001 - 304 Titan, 298 Hunter - prefered Weapons, Handcannons and Scout Rifles
Looking to get some loot with someone new to the game if you wanna party up message lFallen Slayerl i'm a 316 hunter with knowledge of this game. I'm pretty good at Pve and Pvp
REQUIREMENTS= XBOX ONE, a new player to destiny the taken king within the past seven days of this post for the quest to activate, AND HAVE FUN :) I AM A VETERAN TO DESTINY and have been playing destiny sense the beta test of destiny, i have a lot to offer love doing raids the most but am def up for doing anything, so if you are new and am seeing this post WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THIS POST AND STARTED PLAYING DESTINY THE TAKEN KING then click one of the four links below and lets get started have some fun get you leveled up and get some cool shaders, emots, exclusive sparrow and sword, i look forward to seeing you in the game guardins. MY XBOX ONE GAMER TAG IS north1984 my three refer a friend codes are as displayed below REQUIREMENTS= XBOX ONE, a new player to destiny the taken king within the past seven days of this post for the quest to activate, AND HAVE FUN :) PLEASE DONT WASTE THESE CODES MAKE SURE YOU ARE NEW TO DESTINY THE TAKEN KING WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THIS POST i dont care if you just now booted up destiny and just started your character, these codes are to get the special quest line if you are new, LETS SAVE THE UNIVERSE TOGETHER :)
- need a new comer. Xbox one gt: MilleniumxHD
PS4: shi0n-kai-san Veteran here. I'm good with all classes, in fact, all of them are above 300. I'm good with all types of weapons as well. I'm not a pressure type of player, I'm more of a fun type of player. I dance alone with my friends in the crucible if we know we're going down. Even though we're in a serious game, I tend to laugh more and play serious. Just add me up and here's my referral link too.
Psn K-lub84 Veteran looking for a new person to power level through the game! I'll show you the universe, just don't ask about Uranus!
*PS4* For any overwhelmed new comers to the Taken King, I'm here to help and get you started. I'm a 297 Warlock, enjoy playing for sake of playing, no pressure, just want to keep it light and have some fun. Happy to share any tips/tricks/lessons learned along the way. Just click the link below and accept me as your veteran, thanks in advance and look forward to it! PSN Name: Lassomatic PS - make sure you have bought "The Taken King" in the last 7 days.
Any newcomers need help with the taken King story from the beginning press this link
Edited by CrystalSunrise: 11/25/2015 5:27:08 AMThis lady is looking for a newcomer to show around the tower. I've been here since launch at midnight, and would love to get this questline done but alas, all my friends are Veterans too. I have all three character classes at level 40 and would be more than willing to help you out within the first week of your new journey as long as you're on Xbox One. Reply and send me an invite at my gamertag [ CrystalSunrise ] if you wanna chat. And welcome to Destiny!
Edited by Chudc: 11/25/2015 5:19:17 AMHey new guardians, welcome to Destiny: The Taken King. I'm a veteran player looking to help a new player in the Refer A Friend Program! Currently a 314 warlock. All you need to do is click this link below PSN: Chudc
Veteran player here! I've been playing since Alpha. I've got a 314 Hunter & 311 Warlock. My PSN is Pahlok. Once you've got the code, send me a message.
I'm a veteran looking to help new guys out, I''m not like everyone else and I'm not in it just for the rewards, I like playing missions with new guardians and if any new people need help her's my link:
Edited by Valkitus: 11/25/2015 5:08:54 AMDay one veteran player willing to help a new guardian out. My Code: PSN: Cahill_rebel
I am a Day One VET and I am looking to help a new guardian with there new adventure that is destiny. I know every raid like the back of my hand. I got all 311+ Light characters. Hopefully I can find someone so we can play together and get some sweet loot! I'm on PS4.
[b]Day one player. PlayStation 4. I can help you with the entire quest lines.[/b]
I am a level 40 (315 light) hunter. I need a guardian who hasn't completed the taken King story line. I need help!
Edited by Trilll OG: 11/25/2015 4:45:00 AMThis is for newcomers ill help u out
So let's get the main stuff out of the way I'm on ps4 I've been playing since day one on Xbox first then switched to ps4 psn is BrawlerMarc7 I'm a 313 warlock looking for my padawan to help out and of course get new gear too here's my link take a look at my gear if you want
I am an experienced guardian with any of the three classes looking to help out. I mostly play a hunter, but I am capable of helping out with warlocks and titans. I am on PS4, psn name MaddogMagee. Follow this link if you want my help
Edited by Sovereign1149: 11/25/2015 4:11:56 AM[b]READ THIS FIRST BEFORE CLICKING ANYTHING ---> [/b] [u]I am a PS4 Destiny Veteran[/u] with level 40 characters, each over 305+ light, [b]looking for a Referee (A Referral)[/b]. Below is my Referral Link. Click on the link and let us get you started on the path to becoming A LEGEND in Destiny by going through the quest line and defeating Oryx, The Taken King, and afterwards, kill the ascendant Oryx in the King's Fall Raid! I will help you with everything and we shall forge your light into remembrance. [b][i][u][IMPORTANT]: Make sure you have bought THE TAKEN KING within the last 7 DAYS![/u][/i][/b] Just click the link below and accept me as YOUR veteran and WE will be accomplices in the war against The Taken. Refer a Friend Referral Code #1- Refer a Friend Referral Code #2- PSN Username: Sovereign1149