Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
I'm looking for a referee on PS4 to do the quest with. I'm a Day 1 Vet all lv40 310+. Gamertag: YELLOWRANGER04 My friend code is: Let's do this!! :)
Day 1 Destiny player, uses all classes with maxed subclasses. Ps3 (Excalibur66683) Weapon Types: Scout rifle, handcannon, pulse rifle and snipers
[b]XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus[/b] SECOND ACCOUNTS DO NOT WORK. Looking for a new player to LINK with. Ull be [b]REWARDED[/b] Handsomely for your Services. message me for more details.
Veteran looking for someone new! ps4 Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on PlayStation 4. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. Cheese4Dinner
Consul: Xbox one Gamer tag: Little Ninja 03 Level: 40 veteran Light level: 299 Class: warlock Preferred subclass: Storm caller Preferred gun: hand cannon Code: Message me when you link and tell me your code
Chill XBOX One veteran in Pacific Time Zone, I play most days.
Xbox One Veteran looking for a newcomer. Been playing since day one. I have completed everything you can do in this game. Gamer tag is DirtyDan005 Referral code:
Veteran hunter Msg me if you want to link
Edited by Poxy: 11/24/2015 6:15:17 PMI'm a day one veteran looking to help a new player out with everything my GT IS NBD Harry so message me and I'll help BTW IM A 313 TITAN AND IM ON XBOX ONE
Vet Hunter/Titan
Edited by Pandas: 11/24/2015 6:12:22 PMevilpandas231 is the name... I've been helping ppl with raids, iron banner, trials, you name it ive done it. Now I get to help the new guy! add me and click on the link if tour new and on ps4
Edited by ForteGX: 11/24/2015 6:10:14 PMVeteran, played since beta. Can help with about anything, Xbone. Usually on 4pm-10pm weekdays, until 5pm sat, most of the day sun.
I am a day one vet looking for a new player for the refer a friend quest and can give you some tips and general knowledge I have acquired over the past year. I am looking forward to playing with you. I am on Xbox one
Looking for newcomers. I have been playing destiny since beta. So I know quite a lot all characters are above 315 my refer a friend link is just follow that and message me my gt is same as above thanks
Ps4 picngrin hunter 295 light running scout and fusion/sniper. I've walked buddies through it before, it'll be a breeze.
[b]XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus[/b] SECOND ACCOUNTS DO NOT WORK. Looking for a new player to LINK with. Ull be [b]REWARDED[/b] Handsomely for your Services. message me for more details.
Ps4 315 warlock ready to help anyone new level up and complete quests.
Anyone need help? I'm a veteran, looking for a noobie.
Who wants help? Xbox 1 Gamer tag: Triple Double Code link: Free stuff!!!
Edited by Giroworm3D: 11/24/2015 5:57:35 PMHi, Guardians! Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on PlayStation 4. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. giroworm3D on ps4
Been playing since beta and wan to help anyone willing on xbox one. gt is same as above
Veteran looking for referee.
Veteran Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on PlayStation 4. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit to start the linking process. Cheese4Dinner
I would be happy to help any newcomers on Xbox One, my gamertag is DNAndrew. Go ahead and use my link
Helping people with referee status to help with refer a friend my GT is slash_killington my refer a friend code is