Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
Looking for a referee!! I'm a 311+ on all three of my characters! PM me or reply here if you're interested!
Hey guys, im XX-W0LF-CLAWS-XX on ps4. 308 lvl titan looking to help new guardians through the missions.
Https:// code=RAF-PMP-H63-CP3
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
If someone wants to do the quest and is New then message me, i am an year one Veteran Who is in search for someone Kind to do the questline with ^ ^
[b]XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus[/b] SECOND ACCOUNTS DO NOT WORK. Looking for a new player to LINK with. Ull be [b]REWARDED[/b] Handsomely for your Services. message me for more details.
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
day one vet looking for referee for ze laughs and ze loots 305 light hunter ready to kill the enemies GT luckybanda message me for details
Edited by slash_killington: 11/24/2015 4:45:00 PMI'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
Hello im a veteran and I'm looking for a refer im on (xbox one) my gamer tag is Thnx NINJA follow this link if you want to do the quest with me and get exclusive stuff
Im a PS4. Veteran. Who would love to link a newbie and help thems
Edited by slash_killington: 11/24/2015 4:45:25 PMI'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
- looking for a refer light 305
I am a PS4 Destiny Veteran with level 40 characters, each over 305+ light, looking for a Referee (A Referral). Below is my Referral Link. Click on the link and let us get you started on the path to becoming A LEGEND in Destiny by going through the quest line and defeating Oryx, The Taken King, and afterwards, kill the ascendant Oryx in the King's Fall Raid! I will help you with everything and we shall forge your light into remembrance. Just click the link below and accept me as YOUR veteran and we will be accomplices in the war against The Taken. Refer a Friend Referral Code #1- Refer a Friend Referral Code #2- PSN Username: Sovereign1149
Veteran on Xbox one. LF referee
Xbox One: Wigglytuff86 (Veteran) looking for new players
Just putting it out there, would love to mentor a newbie! If you're looking for someone feel free to get in touch, I'm on XBOX ONE and my gamer tag is kaylee aeryn!
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
Anyone want to pair up with a level 40 Titan (highest light 298 currently), who has been playing since the launch of 'The Dark Below'? I also have a low level Hunter and Warlock if you'd like to level up together. Console: Xbox One
Xbox one day 1 vet here looking to help someone out with the quest GT is Reflecti0nz also I can help with other quests as well!!
[b]XBOX ONE Gamertag: Dizzosaurus[/b] SECOND ACCOUNTS DO NOT WORK. Looking for a new player to LINK with. Ull be [b]REWARDED[/b] Handsomely for your Services. message me for more details.
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
Edited by el_brain97: 11/24/2015 4:31:04 PMNot sure if the newbies will even know about the forums just yet, if anything, the Cosmodrome is home to a lot of fresh players, help em out and be like yo did you want a sword???! Obviously there's other rewards but be convincing