Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
ps4 day 1 vet looking for referee for loot
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
Edited by Sgt. Skippy: 11/24/2015 4:27:50 PMAre vets classified as referees when they buy an xbox one/ps4 version of the game?
[quote]Hey I'm willing to help referees out. If you just got the game then hit me up KILLEDinACTION15 on the PS4. I've had TTK since day one and the highest light level I can hit right now is 300. If you're not a referee then why don't you join me anyway if you need help? I don't mind helping you guys out or anything. If you're a referee then click the link below. If not, join me anyway. Willing enable to help you out as much as I can. (NOTE: LINK IS ONLY GOOD FOR ONE REFEREE.)[/quote]
ps4 day one vet looking for referee
Gamer tag Ryan hearted looking for someone to do the quest light 305
Ps4 vet looking for referee to link up with.
Looking to help a new guardian for the refer a friend. Send message to SBakKilla33630, on ps4.
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
I'm a vet trying to get this quest done on 360 or Xbox one
Day one ps4 Veteran, english+german, 4770 Grimoire points, every week tree times merkur.... Looking for rekrut LG Jonie King
I'm a lvl 314 warlock looking to do refer a friend quest and help a new player add me I'm slash_killington also my refer a friend code is on ps4
Edited by Cars From Mars: 11/24/2015 4:14:55 PMMy gamer tag is above Invite me to a party cause I don't know what to do
Day one xbox one veteran.
(XB1) Day one Destiny veteran, would love to help with getting started! :)
Made a new account
XBox One GamerTag: CrispyBacon000 I'm a day one vet that wants to share the love of Destiny. Any newcomer looking to get the exclusives please accept my Refer-a-Friend invite: Much fun. Lots high five. Many kills (and bacons). Let's do this.
Edited by 13erzerker: 11/24/2015 4:14:34 PMXbox One I'm a veteran and all my friends have and play destiny. i'm looking for someone new who wants to link and do the quest line. If you would like to link just message me at Lightphantom87 or just reply. -Thanks!
I am a PS4 Destiny Veteran with level 40 characters, each over 305+ light, looking for a Referee (A Referral). Below is my Referral Link. Click on the link and let us get you started on the path to becoming A LEGEND in Destiny by going through the quest line and defeating Oryx, The Taken King, and afterwards, kill the ascendant Oryx in the King's Fall Raid! I will help you with everything and we shall forge your light into remembrance. Just click the link below and accept me as YOUR veteran and we will be accomplices in the war against The Taken. PSN Username: Sovereign1149
Hey what's up guy HMONGYajGuy_559 here and I'm willing to help out the new breed of guardians. Grimiore 4115 That's my link
- Hello new guardians in need of a new friend in game as well as help around the world of Destiny! I'm a Xbox one player, GT is VenetianSpade and I'm looking for you! I would love to dedicate my time to showing you the ropes, and to help YOU earn some amazing new weaponry and rewards for completing this quest together! On a plus side, we can also be good friends and then do strikes, raids and so on! If you're interested , Please do click on this here link above. And reply back to this comment and or shoot me a message on XBOX ONE and let's get this party started! Tambien hablo espanol if you're a Spanish speaker! I'm a chill happy person looking to have fun playing with you!
Looking for someone to refer been playing since day 1
Im down to help been here since day 1
- Ps4. I'll help with quest and whatever.
Made a new account