Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
Xbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran
I am on PS4 Chill veteran look for a new play to refer a friend quest with I have been playing the game since release can help you level up even get teams together for Vault of glass Crota or even Oryx Here is my link code for refer a friend as well as my psn KBNA-DARKSTAR
Hunter lv 315 looking to do refer quest
Xbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran
Warlock 306 im experienced with everything and I can help any referee Xbox One gt same as above. Message me if you want help with this quest. But I will only be able to help you tomorrow
Would be honored to help the new members of destiny message me on xbox one and we'll get started gt Homeslice Jr
I'd like to do refer a friend The items are in fact on Xbox 360 in the item kiosks Saying to complete the quest Please help me out on this Gamer tag on Xbox is smashinmuffinz
Edited by Get GreeDyy: 11/24/2015 6:36:21 AMLooking for any newcomers to help play destiny I've been here since beta and love playing this game! I also enjoy helping the community out with raids, trials or even just simply playing pvp but today I'm here to help you become legend! Console is Xbox One So click this link and we can begin our journey together!
Xbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran
Hi, veteran here who is looking to help a kinderguardian to grow up and finish this quest to get those shiny new rewards. Take a look on my profile to get some informations or hit me up on PS4. My PSNID is "Fatal_Brutal" Anyone is welcome :)
If you're looking for someone to team up with hit me up. Been playing Destiny since day one of the alpha. I'll get ya leveled up and ready to go and I'll help ya learn all the tricks and everything you need to know and do so you can be in my spot and mentor some fresh guardian when destiny 3 comes out. So if you wanna get to kicking Oryx's ass ASAP use my link. I'm on Xbox One and my gamer tag is Blacknoise 66
Xbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran
Titan light lvl 316 looking to do refer a friend quest. You must have bought the game after November 17 2015 and create a account msg for invite gt: Extinct Cuz
Xbox one
Xbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran I use a variety of weapons and prefer a hunter as my class and usually run Nightstalker as my sub class I am ready and willing to help any new players no matter if this is your first FPS or an experienced player I've done all the raids and have ad the game from Day one so I'm experienced I don't care if you have a mic or not makes no difference to me I just hope I can meet someone on here and get that sweet loot for the record I'm a vetrean in case you have not gathered that by now.
Hey what's up. It's Lt Absul here on xboxone and im looking for a referee. If you want to chill, laugh, crack jokes, roast each other, play destiny and have in all out good time. You should click the link below I look forward to whoever i can help. See in you the fight lucky guardian
Edited by LittleKing: 11/24/2015 6:24:37 AMIm Looking for a refree to partner up with. Level 40. Done every nightfall and strike and all raids. XB1
Xbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran I use a variety of weapons and prefer a hunter as my class and usually run Nightstalker as my sub class I am ready and willing to help any new players no matter if this is your first FPS or an experienced player I've done all the raids and have ad the game from Day one so I'm experienced I don't care if you have a mic or not makes no difference to me I just hope I can meet someone on here and get that sweet loot for the record I'm a vetrean in case you have not gathered that by now.
- Add:MG_KoOlKd57 Warlock lvl40 Ps4
Lvl 316 Titan xbox one looking for someone who just bought the game after nov 17 to do refer a friend quest msg gt: Extinct Cuz
Vet looking for a new player PSN is xzxBIG_JERMxzx
Looking for a new player to destiny on ps4 to get this refer a friend quest done add me on psn mrflak0 I'm lvl 316 hunter main with lots of experience
Looking to take a new player through the refer a Friend I have a 316 hunter friend mattalbz88
Edited by Lefthra: 11/24/2015 6:18:50 AMXbox One GT: Achiever579 Veteran I use a variety of weapons and prefer a hunter as my class and usually run Nightstalker as my sub class I am ready and willing to help any new players no matter if this is your first FPS or an experienced player I've done all the raids and have ad the game from Day one so I'm experienced I don't care if you have a mic or not makes no difference to me I just hope I can meet someone on here and get that sweet loot for the record I'm a vetrean in case you have not gathered that by now.
- XB1 Veteran Gt same as above ( ll = ii )
- Looking forward to forge a legend together. Add mmarkster on PlayStation 4.