[quote]You must be ugly as hell, does it make you feel better acting all tough behind a keyboard ?[/quote]
Whoa! That escalated quickly. Sorry, monster, but you're the one who posted that pic for evaluation, not me. (I never claimed to be good looking, so kind of a moot point). But judging by your [b][i]ugly[/i][/b] reaction, I can tell that you're not a pretty person. Also, those eyebrows, girlfriend...... So gross.
But, no, I'm not trying to "act all tough behind a keyboard". Trust me, if you slithered over to me at the club I would tell you the same thing: you're trying waaaay too hard. Tone the makeup down and you're probably cute. Like 6/10. You might look better if you take your selfies at a normal angle and include your whole face. It helps show symmetry, if you have any.
If you're trying to get your ego stroked, bnet is literally the worst place to come. But if you want honesty, you just got it.
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