originally posted in:vDO YOU EVEN DESTINY BRAH
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Hey Guys Zeus Here,
I'm looking for five people to make a personal raid team. Now this raid team will meet during the week so anytime from Tuesday to Thursday as to make room for the rest of the group/clan to join raids on the weekends. I want to make this a weekly thing to build cohesion and so that we can faithfully get through the raid. Please understand that during the weekends I will not be available for personal raids because I will be hosting raids to help our members. But if you're interested in either JOINING MY XB1 RAID TEAM OR CREATING YOUR OWN. PLEASE MESSAGE ME. IF YOU ARE AN ADMIN YOU MUST NOT CONDUCT RAIDS ON FRIDAYS OR SATURDAYS WITH YOUR TEAM. NO EXCEPTIONS. THESE TEAMS ARE NOT LIMITED TO ANY PLATFORM. SO IF YOU WANT TO JOIN MY TEAM OR CREATE YOUR OWN TEAM. PLEASE MESSAGE ME WITH THE GT OR PSN ID OF EVERYONE INVOLVED. THANK YOU.
I am a very active player who has been looking for a reliable Raid team for some time, I myself am very active and experienced player who is very reliable and patient. My PSN is KonyStoleMyGoat hit me up with a message me if you want a reliable Raid team member who can hold there own and more.