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11/23/2015 3:12:05 PM
4th grade- Janitor arrested for sneaking into ceiling tiles and looking at girls in bathroom 5th grade- kid nearly blows up bathroom. He yanks paper clip out of light switch, and gets shocked big time. Lights go out immediately, then explode right above us. One kid got caught on fire. 6th grade- nothing really happens 7th grade- kid gets hit by a car, kid launches pudding up all over cafeteria ceiling (several times), I make the first signature "pen-gun", and sold them for $5 each. I shot one 30 ft up into my theatre ceiling, and we all get busted because some snitch told on us for laughing too hard. Later that year, 7 more pens were hanging from the cafeteria ceiling. Major fight, need gets bullied, and then destroys this kids face and stomps on it. Reeeeeally funny tbh. 8th grade- high school hockey game; student section throws 3 fish onto the rink, all 200 of the students have to be evacuated lol. Kid throws meatball the size of a softball across cafeteria. That led to a food fight. Kid places tampon covered in ketchup on toilet seat in boys bathroom. Kid pulls fire-alarm right during dismissal. We have to stand outside in the pouring rain. Thanks kid... Science teacher blows up sodium oxide (or something like that) and it gases up the entire room. We have to evacuate even though it wasn't even poisonous. 9th grade- We'll find out...

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