So I want to delete my current hunter and make a new one but I have an issue. I currently have all harrowed raid gear with the exception of the helmet on my hunter. If I move all that gear to the vault, create the new hunter and transfer that gear to him at level 40, will I still ONLY have to get the helmet to get the cool green shader, OR will I have to grind for all 5 pieces all over again on the new hunter? Someone help me out with this!!
U will still have it all
Ok thanks guys!
Just the helmet. If you move it all to the vault you will still have it when you create a new dont have to have all the pieces on one class type. For example if you have the helmet on the warlock, and gauntlets on the titan, chest and legs on hunter....just move all parts to one character and go pick your shader up. As long as it's in the characters inventory it counts.
Can anyone else confirm if this is accurate?
You will only need to get the helmet. You can also get the shader if you but a titian helment warlock arms and hunter chest and boots on one character. it just has to be in their inventory is all