originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Don't drink to much, good things never come of it" The titan says in a low kinds raspy voice as he takes a sip of his vodka.
She shoots him a look like he'd just stepped on her foot, then she checks herself. R: "Yeah, I know" she speaks so quietly it's hard to tell if she was talking to him or herself.
"Hey I know I'm not one to pry or anything, He takes a sip of his drink, "But You alright? Most people come here to drink and forget, Now maybe that's not your reason but if I may what is?"
Looking at him for a moment , it becomes obvious why the black light lit up her eyes,her Iris's are more or les white with a silver grey ring round the edge. Gives the impression she's blind in the wrong kind of light. She takes a breath, R:" I come in every few months, but I had heard there was someone who might be able to help me." Looking forlornly into the bottom of her glass she continues, R:" Turns out it was false information."
"Sorry to hear that, he takes the last sip of his drink before setting it down and leaving a strange coin next to the glass, "I'm willing to help you if you want, I can handle myself pretty well"
She blinks, somewhat surprised , R:" well right now all I have is a name, I was told to look for Trinity, or someone in her order and that they might be able to help me. But it turns out no one here has heard of her, or if they do they aren't saying." Her expression softens, R:" I appreciate the offer I do,"
"Well i dontnknow this trinity..but ill help either way, if you say some people might know but won't say anything then we make them say somthing, I have a certain way I could help in that matter If they won't speak. If you have an idea Point me to them and I'll see if I can't get anything, but if you have another lead we can follow I'll be happy to help"
Romii manages a half smile, and puts out her hand, R:" I'm Romii by the way, pronounced 'roe-me'. And you are?"
*The titan Extends his hand and shakes hers* "Just call me Eclipse"
R:" Eclipse, well at least I don't have the embarrassment of having known u before and forgotten. Afraid I have a bit of a memory issue, could you give me a minute but I really need to ask around." She nods to Eclipe before turning towards another Hunter at the bar.
"Sure thing he says as he turns back around facing the wall of drinks And He puts his helmet on
Garuud another Titan walks into the Bar. He sees the congregation including the Titan Eclipse. " Hey there pumpkin! Long time no see!" Garuud puts his arm around him " You hitting on these fine ladies here? I told you about that!"
"No garuud is your mind so lost you forgot?" *He holds up the ring from around his neck*
" Oh yeah *pppft * I totally remembered that! Whaaaaaat? Me? Forget?! bahahahahahaha! The writer wanted to write something funny to start the conversation is all!. Garuud laughed. Another voice spoke up. " You totally forgot." Garuud stammered " I did not!" Another voice spoke up " Yeah! We don't forget things!" Garuud chuckled " so, what is everyone doing here? Its rather busy for this deadbeat bar. Is there a quest? I love quests!"
"Well don't ask me ask the girl that's here Once she's done talking to that other hunter"
" Ah! Just as expected WORDS! Lame!" Garuud made his way towards the Hunter.
She's small even for a Hunter she only stands about 1.6m tall and slight, she finishes her conversation and turns around without paying attention almost walking into the Titan, She looks up at him utterly confused as to how she could have missed that barn door.
"Oh hey!" Garuud bends down to see the Hunter " How are you? Are you the reason that everyone walked into this bar kinda like the joke I heard one time... So anywhoo, whats going on here.?" Garuud says with a giant smile.
She steps back a little, then looks around, R:" I just came looking for someone, usually I avoid this place like the pox. Can I ask u something?"
"Hahaha good plan! This place is more scoundrels and ruffians" Another voice spoke up from within Garuud " You come here every week." Garuud chuckled " haha yeah I do" " Sure! What do you want to know?"
R:" What's with all the god damn Hunters in here? Never seen so many ' loners' in one place"
"bahahahaha I often wonder the same thing! I have never seen so many emo... I mean Hunters in one place" Another voice chimed in "Smooth" Another voice chimed in as well " I thought it was funny hahahaha" Garuud cracked a smile. " I just think that they like to be dark and broody... together."
Romii finally cracks half a smile. R:" Don't suppose you know anything about a Warlock, supposedly goes by the name of Trinity?"
Garuud smiles back and then begins to scratch his head thinking. " Floofy.... floofy you guys remember anything about a special floofy guy? Garuud asked himself. His other voices spoke up " Nooo, wait there was that guy on mercury where we became a Sunbreaker." " Oh yeah! He was certainly weird!" Garuud looks back to the Hunter "Can you describe him?"
R:" Well it isn't that one, I'm looking for a woman,....and don't say aren't we all." She grins at him. R:" but if he was a Sunsinger I would like to hear what you know about him."
" Dang it beat me too it! bahahahaha! * Garuud paused* Well he was all " Sagely" with this dire warning from the future crap. He had bright eyes like sunspots and white hair. He kept spouting how I would have a huge role to play and yada yada I got really bored and blew my brains out. I woke up with a note on my chest to come to this bar." Garuud said with a smile " so who is this Trinity?"