originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"I can't avoid it. If I want to help my friends then I have to kill Oryx."
His voice is raised. "DON'T GO!" he begins breathing, trying to calm himself. "Stay outside the ship. we need older guardians inside."
"Why does my age even matter!? Besides, I'm old enough to make my own decisions," she snapped at him.
"Autumn im agreeing with him on this I went in and almost didnt come out.....I got every night trying to rescue your freind for you"
"You... You did?"
"Yes.... I did for every night since you told me....I just wanted you to be happy" [spoiler]we should move to my thread soo btw[/spoiler]
[spoiler]k[/spoiler] "Thanks, but I don't want someone to so it for me," Autumn said, hoping she didn't hurt Duvanix's feelings.
"Cmon lets go" he walked out of the bar but said "good luck" to the drunken guardian