This mission it only avaliable on the 30th of the month.
STEP 1: You must have the Sleeper Simulant at 300 before the 30th of the month to unlock "The Second Firewall" quest
STEP 2: Complete the mission "The Second Firewall" Quest on the 30th. Note; this is a fireteam of 3 only quest.
STEP 3: You must have gotten "Broken Reciever" from the Quest. If not, repeat until it is dropped.
This item its shared by the Fireteam who made the mission. If someone deletes the item, everyone loses it too. So, teamwork its a MUST.
STEP 4: Decode the "Broken Reciever" in a time limit fo 2 minutes. Failure will make the item auto-destruct. You must repeat until drop
NOTE: The mission "The Second Firewall" it's not always plays out the same, with different mechanics for a fireteam of 3 to be completed.acquire the item by repeating the mission
STEP 5: Three new quest will pop at the same time. However, you can only go to one at a time. Your fireteam will be divided into 3: Each guardian will go at the same to complete the mission
The mission itself has litte to no information to what to do
The only real info you get it's that, to achieve the "awaken" the power of the timulant, you must steal a bit of the power of each god race:
Vex = Atheon
Hive/Fallen = Oryx
Fallen = Skolas
Crota it's not since we steal his soul to fight Oryx, The Taken King.
You go to the place of the death of each god.
Oryx = Deadnought
Skolas = The Prison of Elders
Atheon = Vault of Glass
NOTE: Each guardian must enter the mission at the same time, since to enter the end-game activity area, there will be a door blocking it, which will only open if each guardian of the fireteam it's there, with a part of the "Broken Reciever" in their possesion.
STEP 6: Wait until Arms Day arrives, whcih it's every wednesday
STEP 7: Complete the mission "The Fallen" on Saturn. And I literally mean Saturn, where Oryx body arrived
Rewards: New nodes added to the Sleeper Stimulant, now called "The Awaker"
Remember that you see Oryx, The Taken King somewhat being pulled by Saturn gravity? Well, like Crota, there is still a spark of his life there, on Saturn
Now, you might say "But Saturn its a gas planet, like Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune!" Well, The Traveler return changed many aspects of The Mily Way.
Now, read the grimoire card when you beat King's Fall raid
[quote][/quote] Why are you leaving? [quote][/quote]
Your job it's not done. Yet.
The Sleeper Simulant it's not merealy a weapon.... it's the "Plan C" of Humanity. It was meant to wipe out life in the universe
Now, the question is [b][I]Why? Why would someone, or something, make a weapon to wipe out life in the universe?[/b][/i]
Well, ask yourself 2 questions:
Why did we, as guardians, have to kill Oryx, Skolas, Atheon, Crota and many more g"gods" of each race? Oryx and Crota were banished fom our world, yet we still INVADE their own dimensions and kill them. Atheon can't do nothing to affect use DIRECTLY in the present time, since The Vault of Glass exist in the LITERAL time. It's not bound by time or space. We merely killed Skolas for rewards we didn't even use. Just for amusement and entertaiment.
Now, the second question is" Why did Dredgen Yor decided to forge his own justice and vision of the world, after getting the Thorn?
Because the thorn was a weapon of sorrow. It CAN and HAS turn light into darkness, as seen with Dredgen Yor, his true name neve revealed [REDACTED], just "Yor"
Read the rest of the card:
[quote]You were not supposed to touch the Light.
How did you find your way into the King's Cellars? How did you even recognize that benighted draught for what it was? Do you not know that the Hive pursue Light precisely for the purpose of devouring it with slavering jaws and slick greedy gulping throats? How did you take (or rather, un-Take) the Blighted Light that Oryx gathered to offer in sacrifice to Akka, and ignite it so that it burned and burned the Darkness?
It was barely Light anymore. But you took it. And when you took it, you did not keep it. You set it free.[/quote]
Now, what its' saying is "How did you knew this and that, and how would you know the result?"
Well, because ever since we have increased our light, we also increase our power, right? Which is how wer are even capable to take down gods compare to ourself.
We ARE gods of light. But no longer.
To challenge Oryx, we had to become "Ascendant" to enter hsi realm, since, except Skolas area, are not in our world. So, ever since we have Crotas Soul, we are no longer light. Instead, we are slowly losing ourself, just like Yor himself after he took Thorn in his hand.
-. --- .-- --..-- / -.-- . ... / - .... .. ... / .. ... / .- / ..-. .-.. .- ... . .-.-.- / .. / .... --- .--. . / -... ..- -. --. .. . --..-- / -.-. --- --.. -- --- --..-- / -.. . . .--- / --- .-. / .- / -. .. -. .--- .- / - .- -.- . / - .... .. ... / -.. --- .-- -. .-.-.- / .--- ..- ... - / -- -.-- / .. -.. . .- .-.-.- / -.-. --- -- -- . -. - / .-- .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .. -. -.- .-.-.- / .. - / - --- --- -.- / -- . / ....- / .... --- ..- .-. ... / - --- / -.. --- / - .... .. ... .-.-.- / .. / .... --- .--. . / .. - / - .-. . -. -.. ... / -... .. --. / - .. -- .
Edit: yes it is a fake
That would be a awesome quest