I have never once said that they don't deserve a day to be remembered or that their loss life isn't worth it. I've said the opposite. They deserve a day and their loss of life, like any other, is tragic and deserving of remembrance. All I'm saying is I remember them on a different day for the reasons I've given. If you want to remember them on your day, go right ahead. I really don't care. When you start trying to force that day on me is when we have a problem. In my last reply I explicitly stated that I respect Trans people just like any other person. That respect extends to their loss of life. I support that community by bringing attention to the mental wellness aspect of their condition instead of glorifying their transition. One is more popular than the other, the reasons I believe why have been outlined. I don't understand why wanting to delve deeper into the psychological aspect of their condition is a facet of oppression. I condemn any act of violence, oppression or intolerance against any human being.
LET ME HAVE YOUR BABIES. Honestly you put him in his place
[quote]LET ME HAVE YOUR BABIES. Honestly you put him in his place[/quote] Are you talking to me or to them?
How would I be talking about the other guy, all he said was your a bigot over and over.
Are you talking to me?
[quote] I condemn any act of violence, oppression or intolerance against any human being.[/quote]That's good.