Hey fellow Guardians! I'm a light level 297 Titan veteran who's looking for a referee to help reach them achieve greatness as the trailer promised! I'm on PS4, and here's my referral code: https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-F34-AD9-AGN My PSN ID is still Primus234521, so accept my link and message me on PSN so I'll know!
I'm also the founder of The Ancient Vanguard, a group and clan on PS4 that focuses on having fun in PvE and PvP, but our main objective is to help newcomers to Destiny reach greatness just like the Year 1 veterans! If any referees are interested, join my group and clan as well as be my referee!
See you on the battlefront, guardians! I'll take the one who accepted my referral as an apprentice and a friend!
I almost forgot to mention: I'll work with any newcomer and teach them some of my techniques and survival tactics as well as the ropes in the game! Don't hesitate to reach out to me for advice and help!