I had no problem with trials gear being 310+. That mode is hard. But Iron Banner? You could literally just sit and do nothing and get the same light level as trials/HM raid... While Nightfall still gives you nothing worth while.
Edit: It should award 310 maximum light due to the fact it is not the hardest PVP content. Just like NM raid gear is max 310 light. Trials can be 320 and hard raid 320. It just does not make sense to have the lower skill challenge offer similar rewards.
Edit #2: I don't play PVP. I have never once run trials. I just think that IB being on pa with easy mode Kings Fall should drop up to 310 light gear. Why is that unreasonable?
Edit #3: I see a lot of people saying that they either can't do the HM raid or trials. What reason do you have to hit 320 light anyway? I am also in agreement that last Iron Banner loot was terribad. But why not 310 light gear? Puts it on par with the difficulty of the nightfall. 320 is too high for the lack of difficulty. Cheapens trials/HM.
Edit #4: To those saying they don't have time to raid, then spend hours upon hours in Iron Banner... Really? Also to those saying their friends are not on to raid... destinylfg.net, destinylfg.com, the100io, redditlfg, the app you are even posting on has an lfg! No excuse really.
Edit #5: I see a lot of complaining from people who either get reksauced in trials, or are either too incompetent to complete Kings Fall HM (which is easy btw). I guess you can have your super duper easy mode for 310+ gear. Can't wait to have you guys in the raid being herp derps. It will be like the good old VoG days with level 30's in Iron Banner gear, dying every 30 seconds all over again...
Edit #6: For all you players saying... "but how can I get max level solo? I guess us solo players get pooped on!" You. Bought. An. MMO. Game. I have yet to play any game that is considered an MMO, and get the best gear/levels soloing. Never even heard of such a thing... You should not be allowed to get end game gear solo. Period. Don't like that? Get Fallout. It's a great game for solo players (great game over all).
Edit #7: To prove my point on why this is a sham. The next time iron banner is up. I will go in and kill nobody, I will shoot walls and generally be an even worse PVP player than I normally am. Guess what I might get? A roll on possible 320 loot from contributing zero. Hell it should be a negative sum because I will be dragging my team down. I will have the exact same chance as the top guys for the best loot in the game. See the failed logic in this? If I hop in a trials match and do that, it's a guaranteed loss. If I go into the raid and punch the raid mobs and die, it's a guaranteed fail. This is the equivalent of putting a chance on patrol bounties to drop 310+ loot or random chests in patrol doing the same, or regular crucible for that matter!
Edit #8: Multiple people have stated seeing people who are afk. That means the controller was not even in the players hand... getting trials/HM equivalent gear. One guy went 0-14 and got a 320 ghost. This is like a welfare system. Do nothing, ???, Profit.
Final edit: I guess what I am concerned about is hard to voice. So I will tell a short story...
I remember in my youth one of my favorite games was Mechwarrior on Snes I played it non stop for weeks. That game was an absolute grind to get all the best gear, it was maddening sometimes with the incremental increases. So I borrowed my friends Game Genie and was able to buy everything I needed or wanted in the game! I wrecked everything and quit out of boredom within a week of everything being handed to me. Never to pick it up again. When everything is handed to you, and everyone is given an easy route it cheapens the experience. I have always sought out challenges in life because the rewards usually justified the effort.
Does nobody like a challenge anymore? There is a reason why people in life work hard to achieve something worthwhile. Give everyone the same thing and effort dies. Innovation dies.
I have worked my ass off irl to buy a new car, have a nice home to live in, being able to pay all my bills, and put something back for retirement. Think I would work my 50+ hours a week in a stressful environment every week, if the guy/girl who stocks shelves at the local store got the same rewards?
This problem exists with the mentality that "I am alive, therfore I deserve" "I may not have the time nor skill, but I want it"
Trophies being handed out for "participation" will set you on a path for disaster in life.
Did u know there are 3 kids in the United States named Herp Derp.
What's a "Herp Derp"?
It's not like they're rolling out this gear on a conveyer belt to any slob that enters the game. Chill, you worry about people in this gear dying in raids? Don't invite them. You show us you don't care for Iron Banner, so what? You need to relax. It takes effort to have a realistic shot at getting a respectable amount of gear off one week of Iron Banner, and yes fluke drops happen. That's just the way it is with RNG, like oh... The raids? Yeah. They depend on RNG too, there are plenty of people crying about that too.
The complaining is real! Not enough drops, too many drops blah blah blah blah
It's not like u can get a full set of max gear from one banner. Each character gets a 310 artifact at rank 3 and the rank 5 package (which is one time per character per banner) has a 310 ghost and ONE piece of gear between 310 and 320. At higher ranks, the ghost can also drop up to 320. The rest of the end match rewards can only drop up to 310 and they are only what is being sold that week (this time chest, gauntlets, hand cannon and machine gun). U r really going to complain about a monthly event that gives each character a chance at a high tier ghost and ONE piece of hard raid tier gear? Think of how many raid runs it takes to get a max character even with luck. U get how many drops each raid each week with each character. Other than the ghost, doing rank 5 banner on three characters gets a total of three items over 310. That's a lot of time spent even without trying in it.
I don't understand. You are complaining about good loot drops where you can freely and more easily participate to acquire.
Your ignorance and arrogance have no limits. Go play Minecraft fool.
Edited by CaptxnChaos: 11/24/2015 10:02:42 PMIron Banner only comes once a month dude you can do the raids every week. Besides I have like no interest in the raid at all right now, so at least I could spend a little time doing IB and level up. You also gotta remember that the rewards are [u]random[/u], and quite honestly how does it hurt you in any way? Just because someone took a different route to get to a higher level doesn't mean that yours is any less significant, if you think their achievements make yours less valuable then that's just your problem and yours personally :)
It's honestly one of the better moves they've made in awhile. So many new games have come out recently and it's harder and harder to find a raid team. (Especially if you include elitist swine such as yourself. Lfg yeah that sounds fun a bunch of Whiney know it alls scared to kill four red bar Knights ? ) Maybe a few iron banner drops will get those less fortunate guardians high enough light to actually complete hard mode. Maybe grinding cruc for a week will instill some confidence in some to try Osiris again. Max light level has literally no weight in the game at this time. So my question to you is WHY DO CARE HOW PEOPLE CHOOSE TO PLAY?
ToO gear is a joke too. Anybody can pay to get carried to the lighthouse and get gear. People can get carried through raids, and others can grind banner. End of the day, anyone can have gear from any resource, so arguing about it is pointless.
Your post is really boring. And I bet your breath stinks.
I actually agree with you.
more like sham WOW!
Just shut the -blam!- up... so people were given a chance that happens what once a month to get 310 to 320 gear from another game mode
Quit being a horrible person. It's a casual game. Kthanx.
TL;DR: OP is a self important scrub.
Edited by a_pesky_turtle: 11/24/2015 9:45:55 PMLook, I can appreciate the idea behind your original post, but your edits make you look like a total jack off. Get over yourself.
Edited by Benzene21: 11/24/2015 9:36:54 PMYou can get carried in trials. So yeah, it's not always hard. Many people with negative kd have made it to the lighthouse.
first people complained that it was too low. now it's too high? y'all muthafückas need Jesus!
You've obviously never been mediocre at something before...
If it makes you feel better I did all 3 characters and the only thing I got worth keeping or infusing was 315 auto rifle. So complete waste of time.
It should be one 320 drop at rank 5 in IB, trials, and HM guaranteed. This game does not give enough light period... Whining that it should only come from one place is stupid. We should be wanting it to come from as many places as we can get it. It shouldn't be the rng gamble that it is currently, competing against others for light... Claiming that one drop is any more legitimate than another. End game gear/event gear should be 320, or max light. I have yet to get a 320 primary, heavy, ghost, gloves, chest, boots, class item... Raiding every week. This rng is stupid.
They made the grind easier on us. Was prolly a patch because they saw everyone unhappy. Now they just need to reintroduce elemental primary weapons and we'll be back on the right track.
Wow, you must be fun at parties.... Lol. What an ass... So worked up about people getting imaginary items in a game. Iron Banner used to let you get to max level. It would take forever to get a high light level with only Iron Banner gear now anyway so calm your tits and just have fun.
We've been able to reach max light from IB gear in past DLCs, why should it change now?