Seriously bungie? Keep half your fan base away from special rewards? Believe it or not there are still new people playing on ps3 and 360 too. Discrimination at its finest
Ur system is like a decade old...upgrade for blame sakes...already holding the game back
Need 5 for normal Oryx cp add tankharris
Half the reason they did this is because of account and dlc sharing. You can't do that on ps4 because you need psplus and you can't share dlc anymore :/ Not sure about Xbox one.
Need 5 310+ for HARD GOLG must have beaten the raid before GT same as above
Edited by Deflator Mouse7: 11/25/2015 1:17:26 PMGuys where is the support for TTK on my Commodore Vic 20??????? Jesus Christ you are playing on something that is TEN YEARS OLD. You should kiss bungie's feet that they even bothered to let you play in the first place. If gaming is important to you, save money like everyone else in the world and get something that isn't ancient.
Need 5 310+ for HARD GOLG must have beaten the raid before GT same as above
Why would they ask you to refer new people to a console that is getting dropped when the next title release comes around? These are clear signs here guys. They are going to drop old-gen
Haha those consoles shouldn't have even gotten taken king.
It's getting dropped next year, so there's no point in buying games on it. Just save that money for a new console
Buy a ps4 on Black Friday And if any of u touch my ps4.......pain
Why are people so inept? Xbox 360 is slated for shutdown....can't you people think before you react anymore?
Half the fanbase.... lol, nope. Keep dreaming, kid.
There was someone with the refer a friend sparrow in the cosmodrome. Weirdest part is, I'm playing on my ps3 today. I thought it was only available in current gen consoles?
[quote]half your fan base[/quote] Lmfao
Because they are probably on the verge of stopping support and not puttinf out future DLCs/destiny 2 for last gen. Get over the fact that companies want to invest in current gen. The games will be better if they left last fen alone, and focused solely on Xbox one/Ps4.
-blam!- last gen. Poor ass bitch.
Petition to completely leave peasant gen behind!!! I'm signing it.
Edited by MrBraveHeart: 11/25/2015 8:00:08 AMYou really want a sparrow and a new shader that much? You need to get out more.
Doin normal glyphs dont need mics if you can listen 300+ trying to finnish this fast please know what to do add uio905 need 1
Lol at half fan base comment
Pick up a new console... Or pick a new hobby, you're basically a bird watcher that can't or won't buy a telescope and has limited himself to watching birds from his backyard. The birds aren't coming to you anymore my friend.
Broke mofo
No Sony and Microsoft will kill off last gen in their own time bungie is just getting ahead with it and finally focusing on current gen
Oryx cp norm need mic 290 plus and need experience in raid same gt as above
Oryx cp norm need mic 290 plus and need experience in raid same gt as above