Seriously bungie? Keep half your fan base away from special rewards? Believe it or not there are still new people playing on ps3 and 360 too. Discrimination at its finest
Oryx cp norm need mic 290 plus and need experience in raid same gt as above
need 2 for Crota raid hard add Piffndimthebest for invite
Half your fan base? LMFAO!
Yes please. Rot away Old gen peasant.
I think it's a hint that old gen consoles are getting fazed out. This shouldn't be a surprise.
That moment when your petition fails.
need 2 for hard oryx cp. must know what to do. message for inv
Edited by BadgerSnipes: 11/24/2015 11:47:08 PMYou guys realize that this is a pointless argument- I play on the 1 and I think that this problem is just around because nobody wants to pay another 120$ for all the dlcs again- Drop the PS3 and the Xbox 360 but allow them to transfer their account to the next gen consoles.
"half your fan base" destiny players on last gen take up a whopping 9%. and bungie doesn't want to promote a system that gets new players on ten year old consoles. that'd be absolutely pointless. use some common sense.
No. Your poor. Go buy a good console or GTFO, no destiny dlc for you after TTK
Because they don't want to promote people playing old Gen so that way we can get out of the stone age with the graphics. Quit being poor.
The emotes and everything else is in the kiosk but there is no quest for it
For every bump this comment get, Bungie will donate a dollar to OP and his friends for a new PS4 this Hanukkah. With that out of the way, I wonder why the Refer-A-Friend Program isn't on last gen anyways.
Destiny 2 is gonna be next gen only. Hopefully. PS3 and x360 is holding this game back.
Edited by NobodyJustBrad: 11/24/2015 11:30:14 PMNot sure where you're getting the "half your fan base" from, but either way, it's clear they're pushing for current gen. It's very likely that Destiny 2 with be current gen only and that's a good thing for the future of the series. Start saving up.
10 year old systems need to be moved on from.
"Half your fanbase" lol
Old gen consoles need to die.
More like 12% plus thank god they did it. They are taking a step in the right direction
Hardware limitations, it's not Bungie being discriminatory, it's the progression of technology being discriminatory.
You do realize maybe it's because last gen has hardware limitations?
need 1 for Nightfall add holocron7
KINGSFALL FRESH HARD 311+ ONLY Must have completed multiple times Must have ToM/Spindle Msg HoochyStacks99
Need 4 for normal totems checkpoint must be experienced Gt Vertile Sami