looking for someone new to destiny to kinda show them the ropes and get this quest done. ive been playing this game since it first came out i have all three characters all at level 40 completed the hard raid on each.
titan level 40 316 light
hunter level 40 314 light
worlock level 40 314 light
https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-TVT-XKH-TTD click the link and message me on xbox one and lets get started gt LLshaqattackLL (as seen on top)
Hi, Friend! Join me in Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One. As Linked Friends, we will be eligible for bonus XP when playing in a Fireteam, as well as exclusive rewards from the quest "A Tale of Two Guardians." Visit https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-KDJ-XH9-R3L to start the linking process. BackFire358 Sent from my iPhone