If you want transgenders to be seen as equals then they don't get a remembrance day. Neither should African Americans or gays. Either every ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality gets a special day, or none of them do.
Ah, yes. Equality relies on an absence of equity. Good to know. [spoiler]That kind of thinking is why, even today, most ancient forms of bigotry exist.[/spoiler]
As a transgender individual I couldn't agree more. Equality means equal, not better tjan and getting some special day. This stuff is just stupid. Everyone just needs to let everyone else live their life how they want.
When a minority group is discriminated against for centuries then they deserve remembrance. That's why we have MLK day, Trans remembrance day and others.
I love MILK day!
So have white people. Every race has been discriminated against in history. Unless you haven't read history.
White people are usually doing the discriminating.
Edited by john5550: 11/29/2015 9:16:45 PMOnly if you're only reading about western civiliazation and even then it's not always like that. It's like you've never read about Malcolm X.
Edited by LiamCDM: 11/29/2015 9:39:52 PMSure I have but that was a minority of people that discriminated against whites. Trans discrimination is done by many people.
-1 + 0 =/= 0
Almost all groups DO have ones. It's just that people sweep some under the proverbial rug, because they don't like mentioning the historical premise. Like Asian-American internments, or Native genocides. We don't talk about those...