originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Lord Shaxx touched me. [spoiler]thats my contribution[/spoiler]
Plebians such as yourself should be kept away from Patricians such as myself.
I find your lack of ability to mentally form a comeback pitiful.
Just leave him alone, troll... You are the type of people that make these forums bad, so don't go around saying "Destiny is dying" or "You all are so rude". You are the one causing the forums to look bad... Oh, and no point in replying, we all know how great of a comeback you will have.
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 9:41:19 AM[quote]Just leave him alone, troll... You are the type of people that make these forums bad, so don't go around saying "Destiny is dying" or "You all are so rude". You are the one causing the forums to look bad... Oh, and no point in replying, we all know how great of a comeback you will have.[/quote] Never have I said either of those things. Also, why is long face your status? You year 1 forum go-er's never knew who he was...
Should I care?
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/24/2015 5:41:38 PMERMAGEUHD an admin on a post! I'm so impressed!
That's what I thought. Now go back to your rather pathetic buisness.
Oh really?
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/24/2015 5:42:25 PMYeah. Being an admin on a post means nothing; it's really quite sad.
What's sad is that you feel the necessity to comment that on a post you have no business on. Maybe in #OffTopic, you would be met with "Git gud", but in #Destiny, we are capable of more rational arguments and proper grammar. It just so happens that the less grammatically capable post more than users such as myself. On behalf of the Patricians of #Destiny, I bid you good day, Plebian. Of course, you probably don't know about Roman castes, despite it being basic history.
Sorry Captain Neck Beard. I'll leave you and your anime pillows alone.
That was in response to somebody else?...
Dr who sucks
Edited by overlordkualsi: 11/25/2015 6:14:30 AMWhat are you talking about? Nobody mentioned Doctor Who.
I meant you plebeian cüñt
Looks like somebody doesn't know how to bypass the filter without accents.
Nah dude... I'm bored and taking a long ass shit and playing on my phone. Because idiots on the forums give me that little tingle In the oh so sensitive spot
Edited by overlordkualsi: 11/25/2015 6:39:32 AMYou're also lacking proper grammar. You capitalize the wrong words, do not use commas, just to name quite few. You obviously aren't intellectually capable of a legitimate discussion, and have a small pool of insults that most people have used since grade school. Your attempts at dialogue are appalling, and as a whole, you are atrocious. Good day, young madam.
And you meant "that" not hat. You cousin fûcking basement dweller.
Sorry, Autocorrect can be quite a nuisance.
I imagine you talk with a lisp in real life and look like this https://media4.giphy.com/media/xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k/giphy.gif
I have no speech impairment, and my hair is much more well kept than that caricature.
I actually love you. We get each other.
You're a cùñt who came from a cûñts cûñt. Maybe if everyone corrected grammar like you we could all be overweight virgins who role play on a destiny forum.