First of all, the early shut down time for the Iron Banner was hardly shared by ANYONE. Don't you have multiple platforms to share such news... Like omg... The F*cking APP!
Seriously, you screw over your players on a consistent basis. I put in over $100 of money and countless hours into this game. I work late on days during the week. And this IB event somewhat helped get me past 300 finally.
After grinding in the raid, and IB (and getting no usable loot) you screwed some of your fan base with an early shit down. For what? Why shut the event down early, and use ONE source to publish the change in reset time? For shame. But you all are swimming in our money, so it is obvious you don't give a damn about us.
Want to prove me wrong? Give me my damn packages I stayed up for. Or how about actually dropping some higher light level gear above 300 FFS.
I'm going to move your post to Feedback where Bungie reads our Comments and ideas.