So some of us got this rifle from the rank 5 package. The selling point is probably the 79 aim assist, not even including the scope additional AA. It's a very low impact sniper though. so tell me, do you like it?
I personally enjoy using it... sometimes, at least on small map. it's very similar to preadyth's revenge with tons more of AA but less stability. easy double tap kill. the problem is that when the opponent is too far, a double body shot won't kill due to damage drop off. Even worse, a head shot won't kill when far (happen once during IB using a 311 warlock and doing something like 194 damage to the head) I had this problem on map like Frontiers. overall, fun sniper too use, but I prefer Defiance of Jasmine (69 AA, 131 damage body shot) which is my go-to sniper nowadays and where the aim assist is high and the firing speed is really quick (I don't seem to be able fire more quickly with Weyloran compared to Jasmine). Plus the totally unobscured scope is a really good feature IMO.
Tell us what you think guys!
I've been wanting this sniper ever since it was datamined. Unfortunately, RNG hates me and gave me 3 useless rank 5 packages. Every loves high impact snipers, but imo low impact snipers are ideal for 6v6. It's so much easier to get double and triple kills with the higher RoF, and if you hit the body, it's a quick clean up. The range is currently an issue, but hopefully it'll be fixed with the December patch.