It was harder on shield bros imo but this'll be just plain fun, I'll hafta turn my sound up to hear where he is
Be happy lightswitch isn't on as well.
my god
Do people seriously have trouble finding the dorkblade in the dark? He makes a poof when he appears, and his head is sorta glowy. I never have trouble finding him. Getting one shotted my the stupid axe OTOH.
Turn gamma(brightness) way up and you can see him.
It's only glowy at 1/3 health, Before that, jet black. Only way to spot him with no radar is A) being good at using TV sound to spot him or B) spamming grenades to try and spot him
Pull out the ghost, creates an outline of everything for about a second. Just enough time to locate everything. Radar would be better though haha
I feel like your name should be Valus Wa'Alrus......
This cracked me up lol