Actually 1 person who's amazing at PVP can carry 2 others to teh lighthouse, unless you're SCslayerage or Tfue you can't carry anyone to a Hard mode Oryx kill!
And what about people who cheese through the fights?
Edited by Ve7n00m: 11/24/2015 2:48:44 PMYou can't cheese through any fight in Oryx. No Knight stratergy is not a cheese. (I kill the Knights BTW, it's just easier) There's a small chees on Golgoroth where by the gaze holder is immune to the Poison balls but that's it. Oryx is not a cheeseable Raid!
I've gone flawless 10+ times in y2 and haven't run across any cheaters in all those games. Well worth 320 gear and more rewarding. People always try to chews the raids.