If you're serious and on Xbox One. I'd be happy to help. https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-PHG-YNL-MKM
I am serious but I'm only doing this if someone's going to make a new account and allow me to help them through missions
Xbox One Gamertag: Lord 0uroboros (0 is zero) Anyone new to Destiny that needs a crash course? I can assist. I can run you through everything from basics and lore to fast experience gaining methods and how I got to where I am today with my 3 300+ Guardians with sweet weapons and armor. Follow this link here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-DC7-FLH-RRV I may also have an opportunity for any new players to join my clan, the Very Flawed Raiders. We do Raids, Crucible, and just chill on a weekly basis. Hmu from that link if interested
Any new recruit need help on ps4 add lewbran247 and refer this link lv317 hunter here to help to complete quest https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-F43-3RJ-7C7