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11/24/2015 4:18:13 PM
Freshman year: Someone pooped on the floor in a bathroom and it sat there for a few days before someone put glitter all over it and then glittery poop sat there for another day or two. Sophomore year: We were in the multipurpose room for some stupid year book signing that no one wanted to go to, so we had a drink fight. Everyone took the caps of their water, sweet tea, milk, etc and threw their drinks. Pretty sticky... Junior Year: Not much happened, but probably the funniest thing was that some mentally retarded kid threw up all over the lockers while moving in his electric scooter. Pretty funny. Senior year: In progress, but so far, there's this: We had a pep rally and there was a tuba laid down in the senior section that no one knew who's it was. So... Someone (not in band) picked it up and just started to play it... Sounded terrible but hella funny.

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