originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Korvic quickly drew his hand cannon and fired off a few rounds into the hoards of taken thrall.
The Thrall were replaced with even more. [b]These creatures ar.... omething. There's a sort.... ritual at th..... Glass Thro.... Whate.... doing, don;t.... them.[/b]
"Jeeves, can you clear up that transmission?" [u]"I'll do my best, sir."[/u] Korvic reloaded his weapon and fired again, this time aiming precisely for the head. Once the munition punctured a taken thrall's skull, the wretched creature exploded, stunning a few of the others around it. "Good old firefly..." He took aim once again and continued to fire.
After this, they all died quickly. [b]I don't know why their letting me speak. Can anyone hear me?[/b]
"Any chance we can respond?" [u]"Not likely sir, seems to be a one way transmission."[/u] He continued on towards the glass throne.
[b]I've been in the vault for so long... These things look like... Hive and Vex... But..... no wa..... hey'd work to.... ther.[/b]
"That doesn't sound good..." Korvic eventually found himself at the entrance to the glass throne.
The door was shut. There was small slot, shaped like a ghost.
Korvic glanced over at his ghost. "[u]*sigh*... Must I?"[/u] "Sorry, but I don't see any other way we're getting past here." Jeeves, reluctantly, fit into the slot.
A bright flash of light occurred and his ghost disappeared. He wasn't dead, just teleported into a new area. The ghost found himself in a long hallway, lined with cells. The walls were stone, the bars made of glass. To Korvic. his ghost was still in the slot, but his eye was white instead of blue. The ghost heard a voice that Korvic could also hear since his ghost was still transmitting. Just that Korvic nor Jeeves could hear one another talk. Jeeves heard the voice again. [b]These creatures are summoning something from a Time Gate. You have to stop them...[/b]
"Time gate... That defiantly does not sound good..." Meanwhile, Jeeves hovered around, exploring the strange new area.
[b]I've been in this prison long enough to know that whatever is coming through this Time Gate is not something you'll want running around,.[/b] The Voice Jeeves heard was coming from one of the cells.
Jeeves hovered over to the cell the voice was coming from.
[b]Again, if anyone can hear me, It's Praedyth. The Vex have me locked up, and I've been in the Vault for ages. I don't know where Kabr or Pahinan is though. I can only hope they're okay..[/b]
[u]"Praedyth?"[/u] Jeeves tried to get his attention.
He jumped, and looked towards the ghost.
[u]"Hello... Erm, Guardian? Hold on, let me see if I can do something about these bars..."[/u]
"You can't. I've been here for over a thousand years. You can't do anything. No one can.."
[u]"You're a cheery fellow aren't you..."[/u] Jeeves hovered down and started scanning the glass bars of the cell.
There was nothing in the known Galaxy to match their composition. Highly reactive to Light. "I've given up. The only time I could get a reaction out of these bars was with Light. I barely have any."
[u]"Hmm... I wonder..."[/u] The ghost flew back a little ways, then emitted a blue pulse of light.
Edited by Riven: 11/24/2015 7:11:24 PMThe bars vibrated, but nothing more. "How did you get here? You don't seem erased from time."
[u]"I'm not entirely sure... There was a slot in the door to the glass throne, oddly fit for a ghost shell."[/u] The ghost rotated it's she'll slightly, then attempted a higher frequency emission.
The ghost's vision started going white. "You're fading from the prison. Remember, tell people that I'm still alive! Don't forget about -" He was cut off as the ghost was back in the Vault. The door started opening. Only a minute had passed since he went into Time's Prison.
The ghost flew out of the socket as the door opened. Korvic was leaning against the wall nearby. "You ok, pal?" [u]"Yes... I'm fine. It was strange... I was transported to some realm outside of time. Some kind of Vex containment facility. I... I met a man... Named Praedyth."[/u] "Praedyth... Huh. Well, let's keep moving."
Under the Glass at the end of the room, a Vex Timegate was open, with three taken wizards at it's entrance. Taken Hobgoblins and Acolytes patrolled the room. A total of Ten Hobgoblins and Ten Acolytes to be exact.