So, once again Iron Banner has been cut short with inadequate warning. Tweeting an announcement that Iron Banner will be cut short is not only inefficient but also something Bungie said they would never (exclusively) do again. There was supposed to be a stickied thread on the forums, but even then that's not enough. If they can put an alert for refer a friend in game, they can do the same for their Iron Banner ending announcements. The people making decisions at Bungie seem to be intent on lying to us repeatedly and then doing the exact opposite of what they said they would or wouldn't do. Remember how Deej said that they didn't want us to have to leave our favorite weapons behind when HoW came out? They turned around and made us leave our year one weapons behind. Remember how they said Destiny would have a large explorable world? But instead we can't go 10 steps without being told to turn back.
These are just a couple of examples. The bottom line is that lying is unethical, and it is ultimately a poor business practice that will push people away.
Edit: In game there was no indication. Lord Saladin's timer should accurately reflect the intended cutoff time. There need to be in game announcements.
Edit: Cozmo's reply to a post saying he'd make sure important information is stickied in the future.
Bungie says a lot of things... "You Can Go There" "We respect your time" "We won't do that again" "All of your exotics will come with you" "Blah Blah Blah"... We all know how well those statements have turned out...