If I recall, the full, and rarely used, acronym is
Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Questioning/Queer, Inter, Asexual, Fluid.
No it means Lesbian Gay bacon tomato
[quote]LGBTQIAF Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Questioning/Queer, Inter, Asexual, [u]Fluid[/u].[/quote] Fluid?
Genderfluid. Essentially, you sorta float between masculine and feminine. Imagine it that one day you feel like being super dudebro manly, and the next day... Not so much.
Have you been on tumblr? It's much, much longer than that.
That's according to Tumblr. That's like trusting the input of those trash magazines that claim the President is secretly a lizard-man from the Annunaki.
But the president is a commander in the reptilian brotherhood. The entire government is made up of reptilians.
... And then the issue becomes clear.