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11/24/2015 10:56:20 PM

Help bungie bring back the fun.

Lets stop complaining and figure out how we can help bungie give us the game we want! [b]How to fix the looting system[/b] - Nightfall should have a minimum loot level of your own light level, exotic loots should always be exotics you haven’t had. You should not get strange coins, 3 of coins or moth of lights (they could be secondary rewards but NEVER your only prize). - Raids gear should give high level gear (4-5 piece of gear) with interesting PvE perks (perks like 1.25 extra damage in PvE activity on earth, making all your weapons cause lingering damage in pve, Causing half damage in exchange for tripling your health). Finishing the raids should make you feel like all the other PvE activities are easier. - Trials should reward raid equivalent loot oriented towards pvp (I say oriented toward pvp and people scream OP but what if the gear earned you an extra free win or gave you the ability to skip a set of opponents once per card, reward extra XP in iron banner). - Crucible and Strikes should reward engrams (I love the new vanguard streak system but i think it should give you better reward the more strikes you do within week). Players who focus on PvE or PvP all week should start seeing legendary drops on a regular basis maybe even exotics. Motes of light, Strange Coins, Three of Coins and Legendary Marks Should be fixed reward. We should be ranking up tiers of reward to get better loot. - Bounties should contribute towards your vanguard or crucible tier progress and reward nice chunks of xp for your gear. - Legendary Marks should be worth collecting. We should have the ability to buy weapons close to our light level with a random roll. So lets say im looking for that perfect hawksaw, I should be able to keep purchasing hawksaw engrams for 100 marks and keep doing so until I get a roll i like. [b]How to make gear more fun[/b] Well we already have the answer to this, interesting exotics and with unique perks on armor and weapons. Give us flamethrower gun shooting goo that slows and poison's enemy. MAKE THE GAME WILD AND CRAZY! [b]How to balance all of this?[/b] There is no easy way out, balance will need to happen for PvP to happen. Currently exotics are kind of left behind in pvp just because they are basically legendaries with "ok" rolls. Sometimes the exotic perk is enough to take them out of their class and make them pass god tier legendary, and this is a problem. Slow down the time to kill for primary weapons. Make the exotics better then the normal weapons so they are finally worth taking an exotic spot. Prevent jumps from making you 2x faster than another jump. The true problem with blink has NEVER been draw speed. the problem is the simple fact that blinking or skating across the map gives you the ability to travel twice as fast as another guardian (4x faster if your walking backward trying to shoot down the guardian coming in with his blink). Revert the blink changes make it un-predictable, but make the animation take longer so the player dosent gain speed. This not only a nerf to agressive player. Blink affects defensive play style just as much, its simply much less obvious. Feel free to contribute to the post, try and keep a positive vibe. Cheers!

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