This time last year we were getting hyped for the Dark Below. Although that DLC turned out to be lackluster, it still included additional content via the story missions, strikes, and raid. We got new exotics, new legendaries, new raid gear, and higher levels to achieve. I was so excited for the Dark Below I could hardly stand it; I even had trouble sleeping and just stayed up until the reset when it went live. This year...well there is no new content coming out; instead, we get Festival of the Lost type events for the silver that everyone shells out for emotes and such. Additionally, Bungie has instituted the Refer a Friend program in hopes of boosting sales. I for one am disappointed in this model. I would much rather spend $15-$20 for DLC that guarantees meaningful content. I want additional story that improves the lore. I'd like more strikes in the rotation, and maybe a fun raid even if it may be short. Also, the best way to attract new players and improve sales is with additional content that makes the product more attractive.
Let me know what you all think.
Do you like the DLC model?
Do you like the micro transaction model via silver?
And why of course.
You're leaving out the missions strikes and multi level raid. Suspected bias